•Chapter Eight•

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A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter, I hope you enjoy! :)


It was now night, and you had just woken up at 2:19am to get something to eat. As you passed the kitchen, you heard talking, curiosity got the better of you and got closer to hear.

     "We should call Near and tell him all that's been happening with Light and Y/N, there's a slim chance they are both Kira's." You heard Aizawa say.

     "Damn." You thought huffing. "They're onto us."

     "Agreed." You heard from the rest of them, you didn't hear Chiefs voice though, they probably were hiding this from him.

     "I've gotta tell Light..." You thought while sneaking away, you used the elevator and quickly reached Light's room, you had a key.

     You entered his bedroom to find him sleeping, you crawled into the bed. He stirred.

     "Y/N?" He asked quietly with groggy eyes, he rubbed his eyes and looked at you.

     "They're onto us, and now they're calling Near." You mouthed, he frowned and sighed. You cuddled into him.

     "I think we should fake our deaths." You whispered only for him hear, there was no possibility that the bugs around the room heard it.

     He paused for a moment and sighed. He nodded and held you close to him, you both fell asleep quickly.

~•~Next Day~•~

     You woke up, got dressed, and headed down to the research area. Quickly looking at Vladimir to give him a silent message, he grinned and began laughing.

     Today you acted all smiles and laughs, making them laugh as much as you could, and Light did the same. He caught onto what you were doing. Ryuk laughed at both of your actions, Vladimir told him what was going to happen and what they needed to do.

By midday the team became suspicious. "What's going on with you guys? You're normally not like this." Mogi asked with a raised eyebrow, you sighed and looked at Light.

"We feel like we won't be here for long, so we're trying to make the best of the remaining time we have here." You spoke, you wiped away a tear that was about to fall. Both shinigamis laughed harder.

"We understand you're feeling like this because of the recent deaths but this is absurd." Chief told you both, standing from his place on the couch. Ryuk grinned and Vladimir laughed even more.

You ran up to Light and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'd rather just be happy if I die instead of being surprised and dying unhappily." You smiled at them before secretly injecting yourself with a substance that would make you seem dead for 3 days.

You saw Light inject himself with it secretly too and smiled at him. You let go of Light and looked around, Ryuk and Vladimir had done one part of the mission; getting rid of the syringes.

You gasped in pain and clutched your chest, you fell to your knees slowly and then onto the floor, passing out in the process but not before seeing Light fall beside you, supposedly dying as well.

You both nailed the act, and everyone believed it.

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