•Chapter Two•

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Your whole world stopped, you smiled genuinely and looked at Vladimir. "Which of these students is Kira?" You asked Vladimir quietly while looking at him.

"The student with brown hair, brown eyes, and a white shirt is Kira." He informed you while he pointed at Kira. You gasped.

"Light Yagami is Kira?!" You whispered/shouted, you didn't worry much because nobody heard you.

     "I assume so, Ryuk is following him after all." Vladimir replied. "Finish your test." He added. You nodded and finished your test.

     You waited patiently while class finished, all the while casting glances at Light Yagami. When the bell rung you jumped out of your chair with your backpack.

Every day of the week except Sunday, you had an exam. Monday was History. Today was mathematics. Tomorrow would be Technology. Thursday would be Art. Friday's Language Arts. And Saturday's Science.

Since the day ended early because of you finishing your final, you walked calmly to your part-time job at a pastry shop with Vladimir behind you. You had a feeling in your gut that today's workday would be interesting.

     As you walked through the door hearing the chime ring, someone looked at you. He had a white shirt, jeans, was strangely barefoot, had messy black hair, and black rings around his eyes. Talk about strange...

     You payed no attention on him and entered the employees only room. You walked to your locker and told Vladimir to turn around while you changed into your uniform. You stored your bag in your locker and left.

     You greeted your boss and grabbed a notepad. You saw the strange man waving his hand at you so you walked towards him. Before you were to close, Vladimir whispered in your ear, "Give this man an alias, I don't have a good vibe from him." He told you.

     "Hi! My name's Asami and I'll be serving you today! What would you like to order?" You informed cheerfully and politely while you watched the man move his thumb onto his lips.

    "I would like a strawberry shortcake with coffee and 10 sugar cubes please." The man answered while still having his thumb on his lips.

     "Of course!" You replied cheerfully while writing it down, you walked to get a strawberry shortcake and set it on the counter in the kitchen. You grabbed coffee and 10 sugar cubes. You walked back while balancing it all.

"Here ya go!" You smiled at him while putting it all on his table.

"Thank you." He replied while grabbing a spoon from his pocket and sticking it in his cake. You turned and left.

"Gosh that fake voice gave me a headache..." Vladimir said while rubbing his temple, you sighed.

"I agree, doing that voice made me cringe internally." You chuckled, Vladimir joined in. "Stay alive with me though, 1 hour left so maybe 3 more costumers." You told him while checking your watch, he nodded and you continued doing your job.


"Finally!" You sighed as you stuck your uniform into your locker. You grabbed your stuff and left the employees room. After that you saw the man that had ordered the strawberry shortcake still there, you became suspicious so you left without anybody noticing.

     "That man does not give me a good vibe..." You quietly told Vladimir, he grunted and nodded. You walked for a while before turning around to check behind you. You saw a man in a brown trench coat and hat quickly hide himself.

     "We're being followed!" You whispered to Vladimir. He shrugged.

     "You're the one who's being followed, not me." He told you while shrugging once more.

"Dammit." You whispered while walking quicklier. You reached the apartment building in which you lived in and hurried up the stairs, trying to look calm but failing miserably.

     You stuck the key to your room in and unlocked it, practically running inside and locking the door. You grabbed a pear and threw it at Vladimir; who gladly caught and ate it.

     It was late so you said goodnight to Vladimir, brushed your teeth, changed, and collapsed on your bed; fast asleep.

You woke up to the sun shining on your face, you yawned. You got up, changed into a strapless black dress, black heels, a fake diamond necklace, and let your hair down.

You greeted Vladimir and ate a pear, you brushed your teeth, grabbed your book, and walked to your computer. You wrote a couple names and put it away in your bag again. You left with Vladimir to school; today was your Technology test. Which, obviously, you would ace.


     You walked into your classroom with Vladimir and glanced at the brown-haired brown-eyed man now known as Kira to you. You blushed and smiled, you sat down in your desk and waited for the bell to ring.

     The bell finally rung and your teacher gave everyone a test. Vladimir suddenly laughed peculiarly and you gave him a look that would shut anyone up. You went back to your test and finished in minutes. You sighed. WAY too easy.

    You stood, gave your test to your teacher, grabbed your bag, and left. Glancing at Light before leaving. Vladimir kept laughing and when nobody was around you asked him what was up.

     "What is up with you?! Your stupid, annoying, laughter made the test harder than it should have been! Shut up and behave!" You exclaimed at him angrily.

     "You'd better want to look around before talking to me like that..." Vladimir told you before laughing crazily again. You slowly turned around.

    "So you're the Kira who's been killing recently."

     A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. :/ I'll try to update sooner though. :) Please give me suggestions and ideas, I'm having a bit of writers block for this story...

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