•Chapter Five•

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When you arrived, you entered with Watari. L looked at you and you looked around, you saw Light and Ryuk there and you chuckled inside your head.




     "Light Yagami."

     "Soichiro Yagami."

     Everyone, including Light said in an order. You looked at each as they spoke.

     "Welcome to headquarters, Y/N!" Everyone exclaimed, you smiled at them all. But someone was missing...

     "Matsuda, where is Misa?" Light asked the young man, Matsuda shrugged and walked over to you.

     "Don't worry, everyone'll be a bit tense around you but they'll get used to you. Just stay patient okay?" Matuda said cheerfully, you nodded and smiled at him. He lightly blushed.

     You were led to your room by Watari and memorized the building quickly. Watari left and you unpacked your stuff, organizing everything quickly before going back down.

     You walked down to where everyone was and walked towards the couch. You sat down on it and the man named Aizawa looked at you strangely.

     "So Y/N, do you actually have experience? I'll have you know-"

     You interrupted. "I'll have you know that I studied with Light Yagami, I was 2nd best in school, and I studied Law Enforcement. I don't need your crap stating 'you need experience before being as good as us' okay?" You said with a tone, that shut him up and you scoffed.

     "Before talking shit why don't you look for some more shit to back it up? At least that would help you little..." You spoke again, but this time with a sassier tone. He sighed and left to go with Mr. Yagami.

     "Y/N, you probably shouldn't-"

     You interrupted Matsuda. "I'm sorry I interrupted you but I'm not going to be pushed around or be ordered like a machine with an algorithm." You told him nicely, he smiled and nodded. He walked away and you looked at Light, who held a smirk while looking at L.

     "You certainly enjoyed talking back to that man." Vladimir chuckled, you smiled innocently at him.

     "So you finally decide to speak." You whispered to him.

     He looked at you with a grin. "Sometimes it's nice to hear and see the meaner side of you." He said before staying quiet again.

~•~A Week Later~•~

     Today you were going to reveal your secret to Light at the park. You gave him a note on his bed and you had already left a half hour ago.

     You waited patiently at the park, sitting on a bench and quietly chatting with Vladimir.

     "So what did you need to talk to me about?" Light asked as he appeared, you turned to look at him. You activated your Shinigami eyes and looked at him.

     "Light, I have the Shinigami eyes." You whispered to him, his eyes widened and you both began to laugh, Ryuk and Vladimir joined in.

     "So, what's L's real name?" Light asked you.

     "L Lawliet." You whispered, Light began laughing and then suddenly, he hugged you. You froze in shock, Kira had just hugged you.

You hugged back and Light grabbed your chin, he stared into your eyes and you began to blush. He leaned down and kissed you, you closed your eyes while running your fingers through his hair.

He wrapped your legs around his waist and held you there. You both had completely forgot about being in public, Vladimir and Ryuk laughed at you two.

"Light?!" You heard a high-pitched woman exclaim, you looked over.

"Misa!" Light shouted slowly putting you down.

"I'll kill her I swear I will!" Misa yelled as she grabbed a knife from her purse and charged at you. You smirked.

When she was close enough, you grabbed the hand containing the knife and kneed her gut. She gasped and let go of the knife, which you caught and threw at a tree.

You let go of her. "How about this, let's fights; and whoever wins gets Light, the loser... dies..." You said menacingly, your red Shinigami eyes activating.

You saw Misa's eyes turn red as well. "So Misa has the eyes too..." You thought while hearing her briefly laugh.

"Game on!" She yelled running at you.

You sighed, you had already won. You ran at her and launched yourself onto her, your shoulder went into her stomach.

Just as planned.

You punched her repeatedly in the face and finally you stood, you kicked her side and stopped.

"Seems I win." You said cockily. Misa started hyperventilating. "But I won't kill you." You informed, you knew lying about not being Kira was useless. You knew how the eyes worked, she couldn't see your lifespan and you couldn't see hers. She was the second Kira.
And you were the third.

"I'm leaving." You declared walking away, Light trailed behind you, hiding a smile as Ryuk and Vladimir began laughing.

"As if..."

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