•Chapter Three•

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     Light Yagami said with a frown.

     "And you're the Kira who's been killings almost all the criminals." You spoke cockily while crossing your arms.

     "What are you talking about? I'm just a student studying at To-Oh University." Light told you smiling, yup, this was definitely Kira.

He suddenly grabbed your arms and walked with you trailing behind. You both walked in silence for minutes it seemed.

"When am I going to get a pear? I'm craving them... please hurry up, Y/N!" Vladimir exclaimed while sighing frustratedly.

"Shut up, Vladimir." You mumbled, hoping Light wouldn't hear you. While you both walked, he hand dropped from your arm, to your wrist, and then to your hand.

You lightly blushed at his actions but calmed yourself down.

"We're here, Y/N." Light informed while, with one hand, unlocking the door. There was nobody home so he led you inside into his room. You weren't even surprised that he knew your name.

He softly pushed you onto the bed and towered you, you blushed a little darker. "You're right, Y/N, I am Kira!" Light exclaimed as he smirked at you, you smiled at him and Vladimir scoffed.

"Where's your notebook?" Light asked you, looking you straight in the eye. You looked away and sighed into your bag, you grabbed it and showed it to him.

"Where's yours?" You asked him back, a playful smile tugging at the corner of your lip. He grabbed it from his drawer and showed it to you.

"Touch my'n." You both said at the same time, you both chuckled and touched each other's notebooks.

"Why hello there, Vladimir. I never thought you'd be up to exploring the human world as well." A dressed in all black Shinigami spoke.

"Hello, Ryuk. Like you said, it is quite boring over there, and I've heard humans are interesting..." Vladimir told, you assumed was, Ryuk. They both laughed and looked at you and Light.

"We should create a schedule for the killings, we don't want L and them to find out there are three notebooks." You suggested, Light looked at you and nodded.

"I suppose your right, well then, let's get to work." Light said walking to his desk, you sat up straight on his bed.

"We should schedule 6 deaths per day which makes 42 deaths per week." You suggested again, he silently nodded and began thinking again.

"How about 2am, 5am, 8am, 11am, 2pm, and 5pm?" Light asked you, you nodded at him and held your head in your hands.

"You kill one day, I'll kill the next, and then you kill again. This should be the pattern." You told Light, he sighed and chuckled.

"I agree. I wanted to tell you this for a while, you're quite pretty and intelligent." Light flirted, you laughed and playfully winked at him.

"I feel flattered, but it's my time to leave. I have an art test, like you, and I have to bake for like 4 hours. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Light. Goodnight." You declared while packing your notebook.

He sighed and nodded. "Goodnight, see you tomorrow, Y/N. I hope you pass the test tomorrow." He told you nicely, you smiled and beckoned Vladimir forward.

"I hope you pass, too." You said before leaving.

It took you a while to go home and when you arrived you jumped on the couch.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Isn't there an eye deal?"


"So there is... what's the cost?"

"You wouldn't want to have the eyes, its such a both-"

"What's the cost?" You repeated, a bit angry.

He sighed. "Half of your lifespan."

"I'll do it, I want Shinigami eyes." You declared while looking at Vladimir.

For once, he showed emotion, he looked at you with saddened eyes and sighed. "Ok, it'll sting for a moment." He warned, you scoffed.

"Doesn't matter." You told him before he started floating towards you, you sat up straight and looked at him.

His hand touched your head and you felt dizzy, you dozed off into sleep. Knowing you had a new power to help Kira...

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