•Chapter Four•

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You woke up in your bed, with many covers over you. Vladimir stood floating over you, "Wake up, Y/N. Time to start your day." He told you nicely.

You yawned and woke up, changing into comfortable clothes and eating breakfast quickly. You grabbed your stuff and left to go to school. On the wall, Vladimir was weirdly silent.

"Why did you care so much about the deal? Shouldn't you be happy?" You asked him quietly, looking around to see if anyone was around.

"I'll tell you a story; there was once this girl, and a Shinigami who watched her. He watched her for years, and eventually it was the day she was meant to die. That shinigami's name was Gelus, and he had fallen in love with that human girl he watched.

When the day came of her demise, he wrote the name of her future killer in his Death Note and sacrificed himself to let her live, unknowingly adding his remaining lifespan onto hers. Let's just say... I would do the same for you, Y/N." Vladimir told you, you smiled at him and nodded.

"I care about you too, Vladimir, I care about you a lot." You confessed to him, he chuckled. "Yeah, yeah..." He said jokingly, you laughed.

You arrived at school and Vladimir helped you with the test, you mouthed questions to him and he gave you answers.

When your test ended, you left the class and went to work, at your part-time job.

The same man with odd habits from yesterday sat in the same spot from yesterday. You looked at him weirdly and he beckoned you forward.

You sighed and walked towards him, sitting down in front of him. Vladimir looked at him weirdly too.

"Y/N L/N, I am the #1 detective in the world, L." The man told you before stuffing a piece of cake into his mouth. Your eyes widened.

"You're L?!" You whispered/shouted. He nodded.

"Why did you tell me? Aren't you supposed to keep it a secret?" You asked him curiously, your eyes looking into his.

"Yes, but you are an exception. I'm here for a purpose; and that purpose is to offer you a job. Y/N L/N, would you like to work with the Japanese Task Force to catch Kira?" L asked you, you gasped and your eyes widened.

You quickly calmed yourself down. "I accept your offer, what are my conditions?" You asked him, turning serious.

"All you have to do it quit this job." L replied, eating a cherry afterwards.

Vladimir stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation.

"A man in a brown trench coat will pick you up tomorrow after school." L informed to you before leaving.

"Goodbye." You whispered mockingly. Vladimir laughed at your actions and you pouted before telling your former boss you quit. She understood and bid you well.

You left and ignored Vladimir throughout the way home. "Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" Vladimir asked with tint of sadness in his voice.

"No, no, no... I shouldn't study for this test, I'll pass it easily." You thought aloud, emphasizing the first no.

"Gotcha, judging by your actions, someone must be following you." Vladimir told you, you nodded and yawned.

"Yeah. Brain, you have the best ideas ever." You fake smiled at yourself and entered your apartment. You ate a pear and slept.

~•~ Next Day ~•~

You woke up with a smile on your face, you, again, ignored Vladimir but he understood why this time.

You packed your things and set them on your couch. You ate a pear, again, and left for school, grabbing your bag on the way out.

You quickly got to school with Vladimir quietly tagging along. You entered and came out, that test was quite easy.

A man in L's described clothing stood outside, you walked towards him and got in the car behind him. Vladimir floated above the car, outside.

Your stuff was on your right, like you expected.

"So Mr. Trench Coat, am I living where we are going to work or something?" You asked the man, he lightly chuckled.

"Watari and yes, you are living at headquarters." He informed, you smiled at him and the ride went by quickly.

You got out of the car and wow, HQ was HUGE.

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