•Chapter Seven•

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~•~A Month Later~•~
-L Lawliet
October 31, 1982-April 18, 2013
Dies of heart attack.-

You wrote down in your notebook, you wrote it in a place where the cameras couldn't see you.

You sneakily put it away in your bag and left your room.

You arrived at where everyone else was and smiled at Light, the same night of your first encounter like that, he asked you to be his girlfriend and you, of course, said yes.

     "Good morning!" You said to everyone cheerfully before quickly pecking Light on the lips and standing near L.

     "Good morning." They mumbled back, you sighed.

You looked at Light and mouthed, "I did it, just like you wanted me too..."

      "Just because we haven't found any new leads doesn't mean we should be sad or mad; it just means we need to work harder." You exclaimed at them with a pout.

     "You're right, Y/N! We should not be sad and keep working!" Matsuda said happily, you smiled at him and nodded.

     Vladimir and Ryuk greeted each other, they had become good friends over time, and you were happy about that.

     "So Ryuzaki, any new information that could help us?" You asked him, sitting on the chair next to L. He shook his head and put his thumb on his lips.

You looked at him, expecting him to die in a couple seconds.


You looked at L was doing.


He looked at you.


You smiled at him.


He smiled back.


You pointed at a piece of information on screen.


He immediately looked at that and thanked you.


He looked at you again.


He mouthed "You are one of the Kira's, aren't you?"


You smiled wickedly at him and nodded.


L gasped loudly, earning attention from everyone at HQ. He clutched his chest with force and slowly fell to the floor.

Ryuk and Vladimir laughed and laughed.

You jumped out of your chair onto the floor, catching L and putting him on your lap.

"L? L! Don't leave me too! Please don't! Please don't leave me! We need you! You can't leave all of us like this... you can't..." You whispered audibly, his eyes slowly closed and you stroked his hair.

"L..." You kept chanting. You put your head onto his chest and sobbed. Damn, you were a good actor.

Light pulled you away, leaving L on the floor now. Everyone surrounded L and mourned him. You hit Light's chest lightly with your fist and cried onto his shirt... again...

~•~A Couple Days Later~•~

You finally finished getting ready. You wore a formal outfit; a white button-up shirt with black stars, black leggings, black skirt, and black flats.

You used the elevator and walked towards Light. A staticky sound began and you covered your ears, and so did everyone else.

When it stopped, everyone unplugged their ears and looked towards the screen. Suddenly, an N in L's font appeared, everyone looked at it curiously.

     "Hello, Japanese Task Force and second L." The modified voice said.

     Light walked forward and sat on L's chair. "What do you mean by second? I am the one and only L." Light told the mysterious person, using L's voice modifier.

     "This is N, or Near, I am part of the SPK; the Special Provision for Kira. Second L, I know who you are; you are Light Yagami, the second L, head of the Japanese Task Force Kira Investigation team, and you are Kira!" Near shouted, your eyes widened.

"You're right about everything, except me being Kira. How could I be him? He's a murderer who believes what he's doing is justice! How could I be him? I would never kill someone!" Light exclaimed into the microphone.

"You are quite good at lying... but I'm not fooled by it... Japanese Task Force, if you have had any possible thoughts of Light being Kira, or somehow just know that Light is Kira, contact me." Near said before exiting.

You huffed. "How dare he believe that my Light is Kira!" You exclaimed, secretly saying something to Light.

You secretly told Light, "dare my Kira" before you smirked secretly at him.

"We need to research the SPK, find out who they are, and see if they're a threat." You stated, pointing at the screen where the N was a couple seconds ago.

"Agreed." Everyone said before researching on their phone or on the available computers.

"And so the search begins..."

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