•Chapter Ten•

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~•~One Week Later~•~

     Over the past week, you and Light had doubled the killings. One day was you and the next was him and so on.

     Finally you both had found the SPK's location.

     "Y/N?" Light called, you walked into the room he was in.

     "Yes?" You asked him while leaning on the door.

     "I want you to work for the SPK." He stated, you sighed and nodded. Quietly saying an ok before leaving. Vladimir looked angry.

     "Why would he want you to do it?!" He exclaimed, you laughed and answered him.

     "I'm not as well known as him, with a fake identity and accent I can easily trick them into letting me in. There, I can see Near's real name and face so I can kill him. And through our research there is an enemy of his also looking for Kira.

     Maybe while I'm there, he'll take someone hostage and barge in wanting information. That way I can see his name and face and write them down later." You explained to him, he sighed and composed himself.

     "I understand now but I'm coming with you." Vladimir stated, you chuckled and nodded.

     "I never said you couldn't." You smiled at him before getting your stuff ready. You could hear Light and Ryuk arguing in the next room, you chuckled and Vladimir joined in.

     You wore black tights, a lace black dress, black heels, and silver jewelry. You walked out with Vladimir, saying a brief 'see you later' to Light, who just nodded and told you to be careful. You grabbed a black purse with your phone, wallet, and chap stick, and left the building.

     He was busy, you understood that.

     After half-an-hour of walking, with heels, you arrived. You looked at the tall building, Vladimir gave you encouragement and you walked up to the guard.

     "Hello, I wanted to talk to the SPK and work with them, I've conducted my own Kira investigation and I've found some interesting information I want to share with them. Could I pass through so I can share my information with them?" You asked politely, the guard gave you a dirty look and shook his head.

     You heard Vladimir sigh. "Ok." You said sadly, you began walking away, the clicking of your heels being the only sound.

     "Wait." You heard a modified voice say.

     "Near!" You thought excitedly before slowly turning around. "Yes?" You asked politely. You saw the guard sigh and open the door.

     "You may come in and share your information with us. If you have good information we don't have you may join us in the search." You head Near say, you nodded and walked through.

      A blonde woman led you through the halls and finally stopped, you and Vladimir stopped too. "Halle Bullook." You thought in your head as she turned around to face you.

     "Ready?" She asked, you nodded and she opened the door. You looked around.

     "Anthony Carter"

      The man looked at you and introduced himself as Anthony Rester, you shook his hand.

      "Stephen Loud"

     That man shook your hand first and then introduced himself as Stephen Gevanni.

     "Halle Bullook"

     The woman that lead you here shook your hand and introduced herself as Halle Lidner, you said your name was Misa to all of them.

     "Nate River"

     "Hello, Misa, I am Near. So what is your information?" Near asked, you cleared your throat.

     "I believe there are three notebooks. Misa Amane had one, Light Yagami had another, and someone else has the remaining notebook." You stated, Near started to curl his hair around his finger.

     "And how do you know they kill with notebooks?" Near asked. You looked away.

      "Let's just say... I worked with the Japanese Task Force Investigation Team." You whispered, everyone's eyes widened except Near's.

     "Oh? I know all the members of the JTFIT but you are not one, where is your name?" He asked you as he pulled up the list. Your name was there, but there was no picture.

     You walked towards the screen and pointed at your name. "I went under the name Y/N L/N, I always made sure they never took a picture of me. I needed to leave that team so I faked my death." You informed, Near sighed.

     "You're in." Near said hesitantly. Vladimir began laughing.

     They gave you everything you need like ID cards and gave you a fake name. Y/N Yonomori. You hated the name but stuck with it.

     You left and made sure you weren't being followed before entering the hotel to get to Light. Vladimir laughed when you arrived at the room.

     "What happened, Y/N?" Light asked you, you began laughing along with Vladimir.

      "I got in, and now I know their real names and faces."

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