•Chapter Eleven•

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     Today was the day of your date with Light but unfortunately, he cancelled it saying you had to find out the name of Near's enemy.

     You showered and wore all black, again. You walked towards your new 'job'. Vladimir accompanied you and you both quietly chatted until you reached your new HQ.

     You came in at the wrong moment. Someone with a black coat was pointing a gun at Halle, talking about something about a photo. You quietly walked forward and when you were right behind the man you grabbed his arm and pointed it at the ceiling.

     You kneed his back and he bent backwards because of the pain. With your other leg, you tripped him and he fell. You, with one heel put it on his throat and you were sat on his legs so he couldn't move. You now had the gun and pointed it at him.

     "So now you've got a ninja?" The blonde man asked mockingly as Halle and Gevanni pinned his hands down.

     "Mihael Keehl." You thought as Vladimir laughed. "State your reason to visit." You said intimidatingly, he just laughed and looked at Near.

     "Y/N, Halle, Gevanni, let him go." Near ordered, you hesitantly did what he ordered but still pointed the gun at him.

     "Y/N, out the gun down and give it back to him." Near ordered, you looked at him curiously. "Just do what I say." He added. You sighed and threw the gun at the man, who caught it.

     "Mello, here's the picture." Near said before tossing a picture to Mello. Mello smirked and left.

     "Pardon my nosiness but... who is that man?" You asked, you acted ignorant but you perfectly knew who he was.

"Mello, he is also in the search of Kira but he's with the mafia." Near told you while playing with his hair.

The time quickly went by and soon it was time for you to leave. "I'm going to take my leave now, I'll see you all tomorrow." You said grabbing your purse.

"Goodbye." They all said to you, except Near. You left and Vladimir checked if you were being followed.

You soon arrived at the hotel with Light. "I know all their names now, just tell me when and I'll kill them off." You told Light while walking towards him. You had already locked the door.

He looked at you and you noticed his eyes were tainted with red. "You've done well, Y/N, can you kill them... now?" He asked as he stood, you nodded and he kissed you roughly.

He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He pinned your body against the wall, licking and sucking on your neck. You grabbed onto his shirt and tried your hardest not to moan.

He let go and set you down. "Y/N, I've wanted to do this for a while... Y/N L/N, I truly love you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Light asked as he go on one knee.

Tears flowed down your cheeks and you nodded vigorously. He slipped the ring onto your finger and kissed you again. You both let go and you smiled at him.

"I'll go do it right away!" You exclaimed as you grabbed Vladimir and charged into your room, you calmed down and looked at Vladimir. He grinned at you.

"Finally the people opposing you will die, and you live happily with Light." He said with a smile.

"You forgot something." You told him, he looked at you curiously.

"The people opposing me and Light will die, and I'll live happily with Light and you." You said hugging him, he hugged back and you sat down. You grabbed the notebook and wrote all their names down.

The Japanese Task Force Investigation Team:

Shuichi Aizawa
Kanzo Mogi
Touta Matsuda
Hideki Ide

     You wrote those names down but stopped, did Light want his dad to die too? You looked at Ryuk, who had just entered. "Light's dad is dead, do not write his name down and don't console him, he already let it go." Ryuk told you, you nodded and he left. Vladimir looked over your shoulder.

Special Provision for Kira:

Anthony Carter
Stephen Loud
Halle Bullook
Nate River

     You stopped and remembered two more.


Quillish Wammy
Mihael Keehl

     You stopped again and looked at your notebook. You and written everyone's name down. You and Vladimir walked into where Light was. "It has been done." You informed while walking over to him, he smiled at you and hugged you, you hugged back.

     "Now to announce." He told you as he hacked into the biggest TV channel.

     He used the voice modifier for both of you.

Light: "This is Kira."

You: "This is the second Kira."

Light: "I would like to inform that we have killed all investigators searching for us and if we find any more, we will kill them without hesitation."

You: "The new world is almost complete, there are less criminals dying now."

Light: "If any of you know a criminal and want them to be punished, take a picture of them and post it on the internet along with their full name."

You: "If we find out that you've put the name of someone innocent, we will punish you."

Light: "Please do not live in fear."

You: "Please do not be afraid."

Both: "Because We Are Justice!"

The End

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