•Chapter Six•

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~•~One Week Later~•~
-Misa Amane
December 25, 1987-March 17, 2013
Crazy fan wanting to marry her kills her when she says no-

You wrote down quickly in your notebook, you slammed it and put it away. You wrote it in a blind spot in the cameras.

Today was March 10, you had scheduled her death to be in a week. You patiently waited for the day to come.

~•~One Week Later(Again :P)~•~

You sat on the couch and looked at the door, knowing today was Misa's day to die. It was raining quite hard, and you resisted the urge to laugh aloud. The elevator opened and you were shocked, Misa stood there completely soaked with tear stained eyes.

"Misa! What happened?" Matsuda exclaimed, looking at Misa's features.

"A man... a man tried to kill me..." She whispered as more tears fell down her cheeks. "And... Rem... Rem sacrificed herself!" Misa shouted with sadness, she walked out of the elevator and fell on her knees.

"Who's Rem, Misa?" L asked Misa, his eyes boring into hers.

"Rem is my... shinigami..." Misa whispered, everyone looked shocked, you played along normally.

"So you are the second Kira." L stated, looking at Light, he looked offended, dang he acted believable.

"Just because Misa is the second Kira doesn't mean I am the first Kira!" He yelled, you looked at L and agreed with Light.

     "It's time you all know the truth." Misa declared, her eyes showed determination as he said that to L, he nodded at her and told her to sit.

     "Kira is-" Misa stopped, she clutched her chest and collapsed from the chair onto the ground.

      "Good job, Light!" You thought looking at him, he looked up from his watch and you secretly smiled at him.

     "Misa!" Everyone exclaimed, you faked an act.

     "Misa!" You exclaimed running to her body on the floor, you cradled her on your laps and stroked her hair.

     Her eyes started closing, but before she truly died, she whispered something inaudibly.

      "Light Yagami." You saw her mouth say, her eyes closed and managed a fake sob that seemed real.

     "No, no, no! Don't leave me, Misa! Please, don't leave me..." You yelled with tears streaming down your cheeks. Light grabbed your waist and pulled you away from Misa's dead body.

      You turned and softly hit his best with your knuckles, you softly wept into his shirt, soaking it in the process. Ryuk and Vladimir began laughing incredibly loudly.

      "Why her?" We had been friends for years... why her?" You lied, you closed your eyes and faked a faint. You felt Light pick you up bridal style.

     "This must be quite hard on her, especially since she stated they had been friends for years." You heard L say, Light sighed.

      "Yeah, she told me she used to be in the modeling business and that's how they met, even if Misa was older than her, they became friends." You heard Light say, you grinned evilly in your mind. He lied well.

"I'll take Y/N to the hospital." You heard Light say, finally. This way you could talk to him.

He carried you until you both reached the park, he set you down, well knowing you were awake.

"Why didn't she die?! I wrote her name and specifically wrote her cause of death! And what about Rem? Now they're gonna be onto us again, damn you Rem!" You exclaimed quietly, audible for only Light, Ryuk, and Vladimir.

"If a Shinigami writes a persons name down before their time of death, they die as well for not obeying the rules. Rem probably wrote the killer's name in her notebook and died along with him. She added her remaining lifespan to Misa unknowingly but Misa died anyways." Light explained, you understood and sighed.

"All will be fine, Y/N. I won't let them catch you or me, if they're onto us, I'll do anything to make you seem innocent." Light told you before hugging you. He kissed you and you kissed back.

"There's a hotel nearby, and we have quite a while to be away before going back to HQ... how about we gave some fun?" He whispered seductively into your ear after you both pulled away.

"Of course, I would very much enjoy that." You whispered back, he kissed you quickly and all four of you left.

You both arrived at the hotel, ordered a room for one day, and got into the room quickly.

"Before you two get it on, I'd like to inform you both of what's happening at HQ; they are searching through both of your belongings." Vladimir informed as you both pulled away from kissing again.

Everyone laughed briefly. You reached into your shirt and pulled out both of the notebooks, showing them to Light, Ryuk, and Vladimir. "They can search all they want; they won't find anything." You menacingly told them, your eyes shining dangerously as you dropped them on the floor.

Before shoving Light into the bedroom and locking the door you told the shinigamis, "Stay out; find something to do for a while."

You pushed Light onto the bed and crawled on top of him, unbuttoning his shirt while kissing him hungrily; he kissed back with as much hunger.

You took his shirt and he took yours off; he sucked on your neck and around your collarbone, trying to find your sweet spot.

He finally found it and you moaned, your cheeks turning bright pink as he continued. He looked at you asked kissed you, you kissed back and tangled your fingers in his head.

Soon enough, hours went by full of moans, grunts, and pleads...

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