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Hey guys this is my first story. And I got a request on Instagram to write it. (Follow me @Squiltts)
Hope you like it.~ Bye

•Y/N - Your Name
•H/C - Hair Color
•E/C - Eye Color
•H/L - Hair Length
•F/C - Favorite Color
•F/N - Friend Name
•F/B - Favorite Band
•F/F - Favorite Food
"Italics with quotes - Thinking"

~Your Pov.
I woke up to the sun shinning through a small gap in my curtains. I checked my phone and it was 10:30am. So I got out of bed and put on some shorts, not bothering to put on a shirt. I walked over to my window and opened the curtains, looking outside. It was an absolutely beautiful day. I opened the window and felt the cool breeze flow against my skin.
I then got a call. I picked up my phone and read the caller ID. It was my friend ,(F/N), I answered it and heard her voice. "Hey (Y/N)! I know you live a distance away but do you wanna go to the mall?" "Sure I'll be there in about an hour" I said happily "be ready." I hung up, closed the window, and went to the shower. I let the water run for a bit, letting it get warm. I then got in and let it run over my body and getting my hair wet. I got my shampoo and rubbed it through my (H/L)(H/C) hair. I rinsed my hair out and picked up the conditioner putting it only on the ends. About 20 minutes later I got out and wrapped my hair up, letting it dry a bit before brushing and blow drying it. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee and waffles. After I ate I had about 35 minutes left so I went back to my room and blowdried and brushed my hair which took about 20 minutes. I went back to the kitchen and made sure the coffee maker and toaster was off. I grabbed my wallet with about 7k in it and headed out the door. I got in my car and backed out of my driveway. I listened to music and danced a bit. After about 20 minutes I got to her apartment and parked my car. I walked inside and asked the door man to go to too room 235. I soon got up to her room door and knocked. She opened the door and smiled excitedly "You ready?" I asked. "Yep!" She said in response.

-Time skip-

(F/N) and I were now headed to the last store for the day. We went to Hot Topic to get a shirt with "(F/B)" on it. There wasn't a lot of people in the store. Maybe two or three cashiers, some goth/emo looking 12 year olds who were probably just going through a faze, and a cute looking blue haired boy. (F/N) nudged your arm and said "C'mon I think the section you're looking for is this way." I followed her and we soon split paths as she went to go look for some things with her favorite shows or characters on them. I saw the shirt that looked liked the one I had been looking for. I walked to the other side of the rack and looked at the shirt. I saw a figure running at me from my peripheral vision and looked over. He looked like he couldn't stop because his shoes and the floor both were too slippery and smooth. He ran into me, knocking me back off my feet and making me hit my head on a shelf. I rubbed my head and kept my eyes closed still trying to avoid the pain in my head. I said with an angry tone, "Hey! Watc-" before you could finish I was cut off by a friendly but worried voice saying "oh my god. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot I was just running to get the shirt I saw." I looked up to see the same cute blue haired boy that I saw when I walked in. He was close to you and had his hand on his forehead looking ashamed of himself. I blushed slightly and got butterflies in my stomach. "It's fine. Seriously. It didn't really hurt." I said. He got up and held his hand out gesturing for me to take it. I put my hand in his and he helped me up. I was still a little disoriented from the fall and fell against his chest on accident. I looked up at his bright blueish/green eyes and felt my cheeks get hot. He chuckled and held me. "God I feel horrible. How can I make it up?" He asked. "You don't ha-" before I could finish he cut me off again. "I'll buy you the shirt and get you some dinner. Here put your number in my phone." He gave his phone to me and grabbed the shirt walking off the the cash register. I walked after him after putting my number in the phone and gave him his phone back. He gave me my bag and looked at me. "So we can either just leave right now or I can pick you up later tonight at about 8pm." He said. "Which one?" I shrugged and he smirked. "We'll go at 8. I have the perfect restaurant in mind." He hugged me and walked out of the store with a friendly wave. I was left there blushing, smiling, and waving back.

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