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     You woke to the gentle kisses that were being planted on your face. Your eyes fluttered open with ease and you saw Ethan sitting at the edge of your little bed waiting for you to get up. You sat up and rested your head on his shoulder, sighing deeply. His arms wrapped around you.

"Sorry I had to wake you."

"It's okay. I'll just try to sleep when we get home."

"The plane should be landing in the next 5 minutes or so, so get your things together and put your contacts in." He left your space.

You did as you were told and gathered your belongings, then pinned your hair up and put your contacts in. You arranged the small bed and got out of your box. Mark was standing there with Chica on the leash and waiting for you to take her. You acted and felt around for the leash, finally feeling his hand and the small but thick string wrapped around it. The plane shook a small bit as it landed and you held onto your bed. Grabbing your backpack, you swung it over both shoulders, then went to grab your small suitcase from the ground but before your hand got to it, Tyler grabbed it with a smile. "I got it. You just handle Chica." Chica barked in a way to sassily say "I can handle myself." And huffed at him. With a chuckle he walked off and you walked behind him, holding Chicas leash and getting off the steps carefully.


You later woke up in bed, cold, and alone. You saw a bundle of blankets next to you and tapped it, feeling that I was still warm so you knew Ethan had just left. Lazily getting out of bed you held your stomach and caressed it, feeling the small bump that had taken up some space in your belly. You brushed your teeth, then went downstairs to find Ethan and mark talking to each other.

"I think me and y/n are just gonna move. You and Amy can just have your house and we'll be outta your hair."

"Dude no. You don't have too if you don't want. It's gonna be weird for her to live again ever since... you know. Her house burned down and all."

"Well... the thing is I wanted to take her away from here. There's too many bad memories. I was thinking maybe... Florida or even Japan."

"Dude! Apartments are expensive in Florida! And Japan is cool and all but that's so far from us."

"I'm just doing whatever is good for both of my babies. The one she's carrying and her."

"Alright. Alright. When are you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know that's what I need to think about. I don't wanna stress her or get her hopes up and not move."

"Well you just told her."


Ethan looked up to see me standing there, looking at him with my tired eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly hushed him. "I know. I heard it all. I also heard the part that you're doing whatever's best for me, for us." You leaned in and kissed him gently. Mark cleared his throat loudly. "Scuse me. I'm still here. And my girlfriends out at the store. So it's not fair that I have no one to make out with. Go to y'alls room." You giggled and spoke before you could think. "Go make out with a pillow. She probably just had to get away from all your bullcrap." He slapped his chest over his heart and fell on the floor dramatically. "Oh sweet sweet baby y/n. Why do you have to hurt me so much?!" You laughed a bit louder and kicked his shoulder softly. "Get up you goof." Ethan stood watching and smirking. I looked back at him and smiled looking into his eyes. Mark sat up and propped himself on his elbows. "Wow what a cute pair. You two should date." Ethan walked over and grabbed my hand, lifting it up. "I already put a ring on it. And a baby in it." I blushed and looked down at Mark again. "Good lord Ethan! It's the first date and you already impregnated her?!" Their silliness is what made you want to stay but the thoughts of your house or the baby having a better place to live than LA made you want to move. After a couple of more minutes of talking you decided to make dinner. You made Talopia, mixed vegetables, ramen, fried rice, and rice balls. Ethan would wrap his arms around you and casually kiss your neck or rest his chin on your head while pressing his body against yours. He would also offer to help but as soon as you started to ask him for things he had no idea what utensils you were talking about so you shooed him away from your cooking area. Chica would come up and sit, wagging her tail and waiting for food to drop. Sometimes you would purposely drop something and hear her sloppy eating.


After you all ate y'all sat at the table playing Cards Against Humanity and laughing for hours. Your stomach would cramp a bit here and there but after looking up what was happening you read from some women's websites that it was normal to have pains during pregnancy. And that it was either just the digestive system or the baby glowing pains. You saw lots of pictures of stretch marks and got scared for a second until you checked and there wasn't any. Only the ones on your lower butt where it would grow. But those were only normal and they made you happy to see them because it shows your butt has gotten bigger and thicker. After the game, everyone went to the living room to watch some tv or game. It was silent until Ethan spoke.

"We should get the gender of the baby checked tomorrow."

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