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   Today was a relatively quiet day. Rachel and I did patrols in order to find any Titans, and take them out. For the last few days, Titan activity in the forest had increased greatly, so Rachel and I were relieved things had calmed down somewhat. After finishing one such patrol, we returned to our haven, where we decided to relax for a while before the next patrol. I glanced over at Rachel and spoke up.

"In the time I was crystallized, were any other Shifters revealed?" She looked at me in slight surprise, caught off-guard by the question. I understood, since neither of us had mentioned our time within the walls since we had arrived.  I watched as she lay down gently on her back and stare at the sky in thought.

"It was discovered that Bertholdt and Reiner were the Shifters known as the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan." I gasped and stared at her in shock.

"Really?" She nodded, shifting to get more comfortable before continuing.

"Indeed. Bertholdt was caught after he had been spotted transforming by one of the cadets. When Armin, Eren, and Levi confronted him about it after they had managed to seal the hole in the wall, he panicked and fled the city. And as for Reiner– he was nowhere to be found after Bertholdt left. Armin and Eren couldn't deny the fact that the timing was suspicious. They compared the appearance of the Armored Titan and the blond, and the match was irrefutable." I took in this information intently. "There were suspicions that more Shifters concealed themselves within the Corps ranks. I left before I found out how they would attempt to expose them."  I nodded.

   "Wow.  A lot's changed since I was last 'with' them.  Any other news?"

   "Annie is still imprisoned, kept under constant watch.  The population began to move inward after the discovery of Titans within the walls–"

   "Titans attacked the outer cities?"  I cut her off.  Rachel looked at me in confusion before shaking her head.

   "No, no no.  There were multiple Titans actually in the walls.  It caused quite the panic in the streets."  I sighed I thought and said,

   "I can only imagine.  Has anyone figured out their purpose?"

   "We've tried."  Rachel replied, shaking her head.  "It is as if they lay dormant for something.  It is impossible to remove them, and nothing wakes or disturbs them.  It is a dilemma we have been working on for the last two years now."  I stared up at the cloudless blue sky in thought, blowing a stray hair away from my eyes.

   "I can't believe how much everything has changed.  Before the Shifters were discovered, everything seemed so peaceful..."  I trailed off, lost in thought.  Rachel nodded, standing and staring up at the clouds in nostalgia.

   "You'd be surprised.  Now, Armin is the Commander.  Erwin retired not long ago, though he is still an advisor for Armin and Eren.  Oh, Eren."  She laughed.  "He became Armin's right hand, and has gained much better control of his Titan form.  He acts all serious now– tries to put on a front for the soldiers in order to rally them.  It works, but he is still the same old hothead when he is around those he feels the most comfortable.  Mikasa is more open now, and is the second-in-command for the Corps.  As for Levi, he still ventures outside the walls, though he claims he is retired."

   I shook my head.

   "Eren?  Acting serious?  We must be talking about different Erens then."  We both laughed, and I sat in content with Rachel as I processed all the information she gave me.  'I can't believe Armin is in charge now. And Levi...' My eyes lowered. 'I wonder how he is doing? I never got to properly confront him about... Farlan.'

"I believe it is time for the next patrol." Rachel's voice cut off my thoughts, which I was grateful for. I stood and changed into my Titan form, and together we wandered into the forest, doing the job we were meant to do.

Rachel would often fill the silence with stories that her mother and father had once told her, or of her less graceful moments in the Corps. They always made me laugh, and it was better than the brooding silence that often plagued the forest.  Our patrol was strangely quiet today, and I glanced over at Rachel with a knowing look.  She nodded her head in recognition.

   "Something is amiss."

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