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Rachel's P.O.V

"That's the village you were referring to?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" Jean questioned quietly.

I looked back over my shoulder at the trio behind me, furrowing my brows before turning my attention ahead of me. We were each perched on branches of various heights above the ground, and while the others asked about the enemy village, I used my enhanced sight to scope out the layout. It was far away, huddled in the forest and nearly completely concealed against the thick trees that surrounded it. The fact that the sun had already set wasn't making the base any easier to see.

"It appears to be more of a large camp than anything else." I finally answered Jean, keeping my eyes on the minuscule figures moving about. "The people seem to have made their home out of an abandoned village that isn't in the way of the Survey Corps usual path of travel. Though it seems to be unguarded, I get the sense that the older men and woman are well trained in combat."

"They must have an armory in one of the buildings." Jean commented offhandedly, nodding to himself.

"Yes..." Sasha added, and I was slightly surprised by the note of seriousness her voice contained. "And a kitchen. Do you see a kitchen? Maybe an outdoor one with fresh, perfectly-cooked meat–"

"Focus, Sasha." I chided, amused by her antics. "If we want to avoid a confrontation, we will need to make our move at nightfall."

"Agreed." Kaiden nodded.

"That's probably the best option considering there still might be a Titan Shifter hiding with them." Jean pointed out as we all descended to the ground.

"All right. Our objective is to locate Spark– avoid any fighting, and do not be seen. Jean and Sasha, you two will search the outskirts of the village. If there really is a Shifter among them, then you will be left defenseless if they transform and target you. Kaiden and I will travel farther inward, and split up in order to avoid the night watch that the villagers most likely have already installed."

   "Yes, ma'am."  Sasha saluted formerly, and I chuckled at her stiff posture.

   "If we have time, we may need to inspect their ration supply as well."

   Sasha cheered silently, and Jean rolled his eyes while Kaiden remained silent.  It was a good moment of quiet– something I'm sure we all needed before leaping straight back into the fire.  I nodded to Jean and Sasha, both of whom had readied their Maneuvering Gear.

   "Good luck, you two.  Make sure that if you find Spark, you don't go in alone." After both nodded, I turned and spread my wings, launching myself upward into the higher branches of the surrounding trees. Kaiden followed easily, and I glanced over at him as we approached the village from above. "Be careful. It may have been a mistake to have you along, but I don't wish to lose anyone else."

The boy locked eyes with me, merely nodding silently before disappearing into the dark off to my left.

I remained high in the tree closest to the camp, and squinted my eyes lightly in order to scout the area breifly. There was no one on the streets, but with my keen eyesight I was able to discern people in the shadows. For a supposedly simple village, the people here have tight security. To any outsider, it would seem that the camp went to sleep when the lights were put outbut in reality, a whole new town is born in the dark.

Narrowing my eyes, I stretched my wings, feeling relieved that the color of my feathers matched the darkness surounding me. In a mere streak of movement, I was on top of a building, curling my wings around my form in order to stay hidden. Feeling incredibly tense, I let my eyelids slipped closed, listening intenty to the activity in the building below. Nothing. I knew it would be a slow process, but I continued on, zooming to the building beside this one.

I hope the others are okay.

It was three houses over when I heard something particularly interesting.

"How is the girl?" Mind working on overdrive, I immediately locked on to the two voices.

"Cautious. She has not made any attempts at escape, but she remains in an independent state of mind."

"Will we conduct the ceremony soon?"

"In the morrow. Then, she will be fully under our control."

My blood ran cold. Spark. They must be talking about Spark! I swallowed the growl rising in my throat, and instead spread my senses to the entire village, tilting my head and furrowing my brows. There has to be something!

I nearly screeched in pain when a loud siren went off, clasping my hands over my ears and willing the ringing to disappear. The loud wailing was still piercing the air, but I drowned it out in favor of focusing on the movement of the people. Somewhere to my right, I heard the scuffling of dozens of footsteps, heavy pants, and a voice that sounded very familiar.


Spreading my wings, I intended to take off into the air, using my hearing to lead me when I realized they weren't responding to my command. They need time to relax before flying again! Squeezing my eyes shut, I began to leap from building to building in order to give my wings much-needed rest. Panicked shouts and hushed voices guided me to what looked to be the central square. Deciding to remain hidden, I surveyed the scene below, and felt my shoulders tense at the sight.

Jean and Spark were surrounded on all sides by villagers, and though a second of happiness that he found her registered, it was quickly followed by a whirlwind of emotions– anger, worry, and even desperation. The crowd formed a loose ring around the two, and I watched as two people stepped forward; a young man flanked by a huge male who seemed to be a mercenary.

"Ah, who is this, young one?" The young man spoke, and I saw Spark visibly tense.

"A friend, Herald. He needs me back home." She stated, but I was suprised to hear the waver in her voice clearly. Spark seems to be... scared... of that man. We must escape, and fast. My wings were feeling much better, but I knew I could barely handle the weight of one person, nevermind two. I also hadn't spotted Kaiden or Sasha, though they must have heard the siren and either fled or are making their way here now. A disraction, then? But just as this thought crossed my mind, a small explosion lit up the village, and I whipped around.

A small smile stretched across my lips, and I silently thanked Sasha and Kaiden, who I saw fleeing into the surrounding tree line. With the villagers' attention occupied, I quickly made my way down to Jean's side, sending Spark a relieved smile before grabbing the two close. I stretched my wings out and flapped, feeling the appendages send strong gusts of wind toward the villagers. The closest people went flying, and I quickly ushered Spark and Jean into a dark alley, taking advantage of the chaos.

We were a good deal away from the danger, and I felt the tension slowly beginning to seep out of my body.

"Spark, I am so glad you're in good health!" Spark turned and smiled at me.

"I'm glad to see you too, Rachel. But we nee–"

And then there was a bright flash of light, and fear flashed in her eyes.

"It seems the Shifter has chosen to reveal themself." I spoke grimly, and Jean sent me an alarmed look. Spark' features were distorted into one of worry, and I frowned at her. "Spark? What is it?"

"It's Herald." She spoke, after a moment of silence. "He's the Shifter."

"That guy who stepped forward back there?" Jean asked, running alongside me while Spark lead the way.

"Yes." Spark answered, and after a moment when she seemed to be lost in thought, she spoke once more. "We're all in deep trouble if we stay here any longer. Herald is a cunning man– one who manipulates others into doing his bidding.

"And I believe we are his next targets."

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