Goodbye, Humanity

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   I look at the girl in newfound awe.  We have finished exchanging stories of our time within the Survey Corps, and I feel as if I can trust her completely.  For someone as young as her (although if what she says is true, I shouldn't be fooled by appearances– we'd be the same age), she fought off a Titan and protected an entire race by sealing herself away.  She admires me, and I admire her– nothing too sentimental, but a mutual respect that makes me feel comfortable.  This explains the calmness of my enhanced senses...

   "So, you're like Eren– a Titan-Shifter.  And you've lived outside the walls, just like me.  You helped the Recon Corps fight off Annie, and have been locked away in crystallized-diamond for years.  So, what is your plan now?"  She looks over at me before returning her gaze to the sky.  She has also shown me her stunning eyes, and since they apparently have no effect on me, she has tied her hair back off her face.

   "Things have settled down here, that much I can tell.  Since the Guardian has her own legend to upkeep, I plan to head back out to the Forest of Giant trees, and return to my normal routine of killing Titans."  I smile and glance at the side of her face that I can see.

   "Well, how about some company then?"  Her eyes lock on mine, and she raises an eyebrow in question.  I begin to explain, "Recently, I've been feeling a change in my wings.  They used to feel like sandbags, constantly weighing my body down.  Now, I can extend them fully without any pain or resistance, and I believe I'm regaining normal feeling in them.  I wish to practice in a familiar environment– my original home.  I'd hate for my hopes to be crushed if it doesn't work, but it is a risk I am willing to take."  Spark gazes into my eyes for a few silent minutes before smiling.

   "Of course you can join me.  It would be nice to have some company, and I'm sure you'll regain the use of your wings in no time in the Forest setting.  You'd be surprised by the healing that happens outside of civilization."  I nod and stand, stretching my limbs to chase away the linger stiffness pervading my body.  Glancing upwards, I haven't realized how much time has passed since the beginning of our conversation.  The sky is beginning to lighten as the sun casts its very first rays across the land, and I look over at Spark in determination, who stares straight back at me.  "Are you sure you want to do this?"  Her question impales my heart as I glance back in the direction of the base, but I nod.

   "Yes.  I believe my time inside the walls has been enjoyable, but now it is time for me to return home.  It saddens me to say goodbye to Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Levi, but they will find me should they ever need assistance."  I smile sadly as I close my eyes, tilting my face up to the sky.  "Let's go home, Spark."


   The sun is just beginning to rise above the horizon when Spark and I make it to the top of the wall.  My sleek, black wings shine in the dim light, and Spark and I have agreed that we should leave before it gets too bright and we attract attention to ourselves.  She seems just as reluctant on leaving the Survey Corps as I am, and I pat her on the back as I help her dawn the 3DMG.  We both take a silent moment to ourselves, gazing back on the city in the early hours of the morning.  It is quiet, peaceful– and for a moment, I wish it is not the kind of morning for goodbyes.  However I feel, my heart and mind are both in support of Spark's plan, and somewhere deep inside I know I ache for my old home.  The stuffiness of town-life can be overwhelming at times, and any of my interactions with the citizens were limited due to the staring my wings under a cloak would draw.

   Sucking in a deep breath, I turn away, ignoring the pins of sharp needles that prick at my heart.

   After landing on the outside of Wall Maria, I nod to Spark as we begin to walk towards the horizon, where a small green cluster can barely be seen.  A glance over my shoulder reveals the enormous grey stone structure that protects humanity rising high above us, a beacon of hope in dark times.  I feel my wings flex in response to my wistfulness– I used to be able to fly that distance in no time.  Shaking myself free of the glum oppression, I quickly turn to Spark, seeking in my mind for a conversation topic to take my thoughts away from flying.

"So, were you born a Titan-Shifter?" My question seems to catch her off guard, and she stops for a second as her eyes widen. I pause and glance back at her. "I'm sorry, I've asked a sensitive question. Do not answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable." She shakes her head and strides forward, and I turn to continue on by her side.

"It's fine." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "When I was only a little girl, my older brother and I ran away from home to avoid being separated by our parents' divorce. We lived in the Underground for some time, but men in black began to chase us one day. I wasn't fast enough, but Farlan was able to escape. I hadn't seen him since that day, and scientists made me the way I am today. I later found out that Farlan had been killed." I wince as she walks on, and reach over to place a hand on her shoulder.

   I can't believe after all she's been through, she uses her gifts to help humanity, rather than hurt it.  I had decided to kill Titans with my wings after I had been experimented on, too, and have lost many people close to me; but to lose a brother without being able to say goodbye...

   Something clicks in my mind, and I stop, my hand on Spark's shoulder causing her to copy my action.  I stare deep into her blood-red irises, and the gears in my mind grind to a halt.

   "Men in black?  That sounds similar to how I got my wings..."

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