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The sight before me was awful. People were fleeing in a panic, attempting to escape from the clutches of the Titans that were flooding in through the gaping hole. My overprotectiveness kicked in as I spotted a boy who was being ruthlessly pursued by an Abnormal. When I glanced to where Spark was looking, I saw her intent.

"I will save the boy– you take care of the man." Spark nodded in understanding as I tucked my wings tightly to my body, and dove over the inner side of the wall. The wind whistled in my ears, combing through my feathers in a comforting way before I spread my wings, shooting towards the Abnormal who now had the young boy clutched in his hands. My wings were beginning to feel heavy, but I let out a loud battle cry as I drew my sword, digging the blade deep into the nape of the monster.

With a weak cry of surprise, the Titan began to fall. I quickly made my way to the boy, still in the monster's hand, and extracted him from the tight grip. Realizing the Titan's body was about to hit the ground, I tightly gripped the boy to my chest and folded my wings around us as I leapt to the side, away from the danger of being crushed.

I landed harshly on the ground on my right side, the impact rattling my bones. I took a deep breath as I felt the beginning of a bruise on my right cheek and a smudge of something across my nose. Probably dirt...

Unfurling my left wing, I ensured the safety of the boy as I helped him to his feet. It was now that I realized we were close to the gate where he was to go, and I smiled down at him.

"Are you alright?" He nodded, speechless as he stared up at me.

"Are you an angel?" I laughed, the sound causing the boy to smile.

"If that is what you wish to call me– then yes, I am an angel. The safe place is right over there, can you make it there on your own?" He nodded, still with a goofy smile on his face as his arms wrapped around my midsection. I patted him on the shoulder before sending him off. As I reached the rooftops, I scanned the area.

The Survey Corps didn't seem to making any progress– there were even more Titans than before. Eren was fighting ferociously in his Titan form, taking down the monsters left and right. It was then that I heard a roar; similar to Eren's, yet different... intelligent.

My gaze was draw to the gate, where I saw a Titan emerge from the outer wall. It was a male– roughly 17 meters in height, with a body not unlike Eren's. His hair was similar to Eren's in fashion as well; falling just past his shoulders. His eyes were a bright red– almost a pink color– similar to Spark's except less intense, and more observant. The Titan's face was mostly muscle, though the shape of it reminded my strangely of Annie's– sharp and defined. The creature instantly put me on alert, at least until I saw him in action.

He was like the younger version of Eren– angry and reckless. As soon as he was within the walls, two Titans near him attacked, but were downed in less than a few minutes. I approached the Titan with caution, my wings spent and folded neatly against my back as I traversed the rooftops.

The Titans were easy to kill– as usual– but when I neared this new Variant, he simply stared at me, tilting his head. It was obvious he had intelligence, but I was still uncertain whether or not he was an ally or an enemy.

"What are you doing here?" My call sounded slightly louder than I had intended it to be, and the Titan raised his hands. I tensed in preparation for an attack, only to be surprised when he made the gesture of his fist hitting his open palm, before pointing towards an Abnormal Titan walking straight towards us. Though I didn't trust this new stranger, I knew what his intentions were at the moment, and so I nodded in understanding before continuing to kill my fair share of Titans.


The battle was long and bloody, but we were victorious. The Rogue Titan had climbed the wall, and returned to his human form. Spark– returned to her own human form– and I followed, wary of the stranger's movements. He seemed unconcerned with our emotions, however, arms crossed loosely in front of his chest as he stared at the sun sinking beneath the horizon. It was then that I realized the battle had been longer than I had predicted.

"Who are you?" Armin's voice came from my right, and I turned towards it until I located the blond who was staring intently at the newcomer. Said male turned toward the group, his longer black hair tied away from his face as his lazy pink-red eyes scanned over us until they landed on me. He stared at my wings for a while, and I returned his gaze firmly. Observing him up closer now, however, I noticed he wore a black cloth over the bottom half of his face. It had a design outlined in grey on it, but I couldn't identify the pattern. It was completely opaque, and my brow furrowed in confusion as I tilted my head.

He shrugged and glanced over at Armin, his voice muffled through he cloth slightly.

"I saw a bunch of Titans, so I came to kill them. Is that a problem?"

Armin looked taken aback by the stranger's words for a moment, and I could feel Mikasa's murderous intent even if I couldn't see her. Eren was also fuming, that I could tell with a quick look his way, but I turned towards Spark in question, who leaned closer to me.

"What do you think of him, Rachel?"

"Well, his intent to kill Titans and not humans is clear for now," I stated quietly, "so I believe, though we should not fully trust him, he is an ally."

"What is your name?" I called, and the stranger turned his attention towards me once more as I stepped closer to him. He watched me carefully, before shrugging nonchalantly.

"Hmph, I suppose I should tell you. My name's Kaiden."


Thanks to @Thespider12 for the OC, Kaiden! You all have the chance to send me information on an OC you would like to see in one of my stories as well (just message me), though I won't include more than one in each different story. And don't expect them to play a life-altering role in the fic either.

Now, back to the information on this story, I think I might do a majority of the chapters in Rachel's P.O.V, just because I think I have a better feel for what she might say and do at this point. There will still be chapters in Spark's P.O.V, just not as many.

If you like this story, be sure to vote and comment! Thank you all for reading~


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