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Hey guys, just FYI; this story will contain some spoilers for the second season of the anime. If you don't want to know about some of the stuff that happens, go watch it before reading this. Have a lovely day~

Spark's P.O.V

   Everything hurt.

   My bones felt like lead, my head was pounding with a thunderous headache, and I felt as though my limbs would not obey my command if I attempted to lift  them.  I slowly slid my eyes open, taking note that I was in a small room with dark brown walls and a door that was only distinguishable from the wall by the thin cracks outlining it.  There were no windows adorning the room, and I realized that I was laying on a rough, rectangular mound of earth when I felt the soft dirt beneath my fingers. I thought back to the last thing I remembered.

   There was a flash.
   Then a loud bang.
   And then everything else went... black.

   I shivered as my thoughts turned toward Rachel.  Is she okay?  Someone must have attacked us, but I don't know how...  A low creak interrupted my train of thought, and I slowly turned my head to glance at the now-ajar door.  Freedom was right there, if I could just–

   "Don't even think about escaping."

   My eyes widened as a figure came into view, and I squinted my eyes in order to view him.  He was an older man– though not quite Levi's age.  His hair was a rich chocolate that framed his face and honey-hazel eyes, and for a moment I believed he was here to rescue me. My hopes soared, and I tried to lift my body to no avail. Why can't I move?

"I'm known as Herald around these parts." Herald introduced, shooting an easy smile at me. A sense of unease buried itself in my gut, and I gazed at him with suspicious eyes as I managed to whisper,

"Where... am I?" Herald smiled at me again, but I realized there was something else in his eyes. Something deeper, darker– something that chilled me to my core.

"My camp." The man stated, still smiling that secretive smile. I was still immobilized, and could do nothing as the man leaned over me and brushed my hair away from my eyes. I stared right at him, but my normal defense mechanism seemed to have no effect on him. In fact, I felt as if I was drowning in his eyes, feeling as if I should run and hide before he ordered me to tell him all of my secrets. My deepest desires, the intentions of my friends, my life.

And what scared me the most, I gathered, was the fact that I felt like I would willingly obey.

"Now," Herald stated, staring straight at me, "let's get started, shall we?"


Rachel's P.O.V

My wings felt like two bags of sand mixed in with lead. I had shortened my breaks immensely, trying to reach the group I had been tailing for the past few hours. Me leg was still popped out of place and rested at an odd angle, and even the slightest movement that jostled it would send a sharp lance of pain racing up my spine. When over strenuous flying became too much, I would gently tuck my wings to my back, resting them as I hobbled forward at a much slower pace. It was a tedious process– one that took much concentration and patience.

Two traits that are not my main focus at the time, I'm afraid.

The sun was beginning to set when I spotted a village nestled in a small valley a short distance ahead. There were no other towns in the area, and I realized that this must have been the destination of the group I had been tailing. Carefully scaling a tree with the help of my wings, I sat for a minute and inspected the village as I waited for my appendages to recharge. I rolled my shoulders and crouched when I reached the top of the tree, spreading my wings once more as I launched myself in the air, catching a wind current that carried me down the valley to the village below. I landed just outside the outermost buildings heavily, letting out a sharp breath when my injured leg was knocked against the dirt path.

Shaking off the pain, I carefully tucked my wings against my back, feeling the soreness settle into my shoulders from overworking them heavily. As I made my way further into the town, I lowered my gaze in sadness.

The Titans had gotten here first.

A few bodies were strewn about the small town, and blood decorated the walls. I realized with a sickening lurch that none of the victims had been eaten– meaning that whoever killed these people did so for sport. Anger caused my feathers to sway irritably as I glared at the sky, cursing the murderers who condemned these people to such a horrible fate.

"Who's there?" I spun and crouched automatically, entering a defensive stance when a familiar face entered my vision. For the first time since I last saw Spark, a smile stretched across my face as the teen in horseback rode closer.

"Connie!" Said teen sent me a small smile back, but seemed to be distracted by something. The smile on my face melted away, and I stared at him in worry. "What's wrong?"

"This is my home village." Was all Connie said, and I nodded in understanding. "I haven't seen my family yet."

"Then let's go see them." I saw a flash of gratitude on Connie's face before he offered me a hand, allowing me to hop aboard his horse. He then galloped through the streets with ease, and I set a comforting hand on his shoulder as he pulled back hard on the reins, stopping before a house with a shocking sight.

The house itself was completely crushed underneath a small Titan strewn on its back with limbs that were small and shrunken. The creature's blonde hair fell toward the ground underneath its head, matching wide, hazel eyes. The Titan's gaze fixed on me and Connie as we dismounted the horse, my wings outstretched both for support and in case we needed a quick escape. Upon further inspection, I noticed that a few of the Titan's ribs were showing, with planted confusion in my mind. I glanced over at Connie, to see him staring at the creature with an unreadable expression.

"That... that was my house." He stated quietly, and I winced as I set a hand on his shoulder, squeezing in what I hoped to be a reassuring manner.

"It's alright Connie." I turned to observe the creature once more, and took note of the way it was shifting slightly with its gaze locked on Connie. "We'll find your family." I leaned on him slightly, taking some of the weight off my bad leg. "Let's get back to the rest of the group, and we'll see what we can do from there." Connie nodded, seemingly just noticing my broken leg before slinging my arm around his shoulders.

"Y... yeah." The teen glanced back at the Titan once more, meeting the creature's eyes. He helped me into the horse, and was about to hop on himself when the strangest thing happened.

   "Welcome... home."

   The Titan had spoken.

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