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   Hey guys, would you look at that, I'm still alive!  Anyway, I wanted to announce that this story will not follow the anime, partly because I have some changes that I want to put into place.  Thanks to @australianjason for the inspiration to get back on my feet after a long slump of writer's block.
   I'm going to try and update all my stories on Fridays from now on, so get ready!  I'm traveling out of state this week for a family trip, but I already have the new chapters pre-written, so I'll publish them as soon as I get back.  Enjoy your summer!

Rachel's P.O.V

Since Spark was so curious as to the absence of Sasha and Connie, we decided to travel to their destination for a quick visit. Armin had been opposed to the idea at first, but I reminded him that we could care for ourselves if something were to happen.

   "I'm still having a hard time accepting that Titans have been in the walls for who knows how long."

   I nodded at Spark's statement, rechecking the gear on my horse before we set off.  The journey to a small village outside of Wall Rose closer to Wall Maria would be a perilous one, since Eren and the others had to stay within the city to help calm the reaction of the public to the Titans.  Spark and I decided to travel somewhat incognito; meaning that she would not transform and I would not utilize my wings as long as we made it to the village without any complications.

   My gaze turned wistful as I stared up at the bright blue sky, thinking of the time when my wings were as light as air.  Of the time when I soared freely among the wispy clouds that happily hung in the sky.  Shaking my head, I brought my mind out of its depressing state of thought as I mounted my horse, patting the animal's neck in a calming gesture.

   "I don't believe the journey will be too long– Titans shouldn't be in high populous this close to the walls."  I stated, watching as Spark also mounted her steed.  We rode near the edge of the town until we reached the gate that lead beyond the walls, and I shared a look with Spark in apprehension.  My feathers swayed a bit in the wind, and the sensation calmed me down somewhat as Spark and I were let out of the town, into the wide, open plains with the occasional group of trees dotting the landscape.

   The fresh air filled my lungs, and I gratefully took in a huge breath, smiling as I urged my horse into a gallop.  I was aware of Spark somewhere to my right, riding just as fast and swift as I was.  I was suddenly keenly sensitive to the horse's strong muscles as it ran on, breathing calm as it raced in its element.  They are trained to run over long distances, after all.  It's what they were needed for.  I stretched my wings out halfway behind me, feeling as if I was flying again.

   "Hey Rachel!"  I turned to face Spark as she called my name, hair flying in the wind to reveal her stunning eyes.  The deep pools of crimson expressed excitement as she smiled widely, and I happily returned the expression.

   "Yes, Spark?"

   "It's been a while since we've had fun like this– would you like to race?!"

   I laughed at her proposal, spurring my horse on to a faster speed in response.  For a while, Spark and I spent our time racing through the plains, feeling as if we had all the time in the world to ourselves.  When it felt like mid-afternoon, we decided to let our horses rest in a small grove of trees out in the open.

   "The village where Sasha and Connie currently reside shouldn't be far off."  I turned to face Spark as I said this, making sure to keep the horses in my peripheral vision.

   "I agree, but we've tired the horses out from all the sprinting."  Spark grinned as she said this, and I mirrored her smile.  Though we did feel guilty about putting the animals through so much, the ride was an enjoyable one in the end.

   "Why do you think Connie and Sasha are outside Wall Rose?"  Spark suddenly asked, and I turned towards her.  "It seems that– besides the Titans inside the walls– things seem to have settled since Annie was crystallized."

   "Eren nor Levi didn't mention anything out of the ordinary, so I'm assuming it has to do with a future recon mission for the Corps."  I mused, hand on my chin as I stared at the trees in thought.  It is kind of unorthodox for two of Eren's friends to be separated from the rest of the group...

   Shrugging the suspicion away, I strode over to my horse and ensured it was alright, petting the animal's flank in comfort.  I began to get lost in thought again, my gaze fixed unseeingly on a spot on the horse's saddle when it happened.

   There was a sudden flash of light from behind me– so unexpected and bright that I shielded my eyes when I turned to face the source.  The bang following the flash threw me off my feet and up into the air.  I dimly noticed that it spooked the horses, causing them to flee from the area in haste.  All else was lost as I hit something hard, the impact sending my mind into a quiet state of tiredness.  I closed my eyes slowly, feeling my gut shouting at me to get up, Spark isn't near you, don't go to sleep–

   But the mental struggle was fruitless as I slipped into a dreamless slumber, my head throbbing in tune with the rest of my body in pain.

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