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Rachel's P.O.V

Why is it so... cold?

I felt something pressing on my chest. It felt very cold, and seemed to be something circular. There was a hand squeezing my own, though I couldn't identify who it belonged to. It took a moment for the fuzzy voice assaulting my ears to gain clarity.

"Listen to her heart." There was a pause, and the hand holding hers disappeared for a moment for returning quickly. "She is alive, and doing well."

"Thank goodness." My mind registered the voice, and I sighed in relief to hear Spark's voice once more. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a dimly-lit room. My room. A pair of glittering crimson orbs locked with mine, and the girl smiled.

"Rachel! How are you feeling?" The black-haired girl wrapped me in a hug, which I gently reciprocated.

"Dizzy," I finally admitted, closing my eyes as my vision began to swim. "Herald managed to land a hit on me before I had the chance to dodge. Did you manage to defeat him?" Spark nodded, and I smiled. "How long have I been in this condition?"

"About five days now." I wasn't surprised by her answer. Turning to my left, I spotted a man in a white lab coat off to the side. I felt my feathers expand slightly at the sight of the man– he reminded me of a scientist. As if sensing my train of thought, Spark spoke up. "This is Doctor Callahan, he's been watching over you since we got back to Wall Maria. The others are doing well, too; but I'd imagine they want to see you." I relaxed at Spark's words, sending the man an apologetic smile before beckoning to Spark to help me to my feet.

Everything seemed to be in order– my balance was good, my wings weren't injured. My head began to clear as Spark lead me out of my room, down the hall, and to the dining area. The minute I stepped in the doors, Jean and Sasha were beside me, asking too many questions to keep up with. I laughed as they grew silent, expecting all the answers.

"It's good to see you as well, Jean and Sasha. I'm glad you both made it back okay." I glanced behind them to spot Kaiden trailing behind, and smiled. "And thank you for helping us locate Spark."  Kaiden merely nodded his head in acknowledgement before wandering off, and I narrowed my eyes as Armin and Eren approached looking grim.

   "Rachel, we need to talk."

   I felt my fingers tense in anticipation as I nodded to Spark, who opted to follow us into Armin's office.  Once the door had been closed, Armin made his way to his desk, Eren pulling a chair around to sit and face us.

   "I do not regret saving Spark."  I began, intending to get my point across to Armin whether he would listen or not.  "We–"

   "That's not why you're here."  Armin cut me off, and I shared a confused glanced with Spark.  I turned my gaze on Armin then, raising an eyebrow as a sign for him to continue.  "We've discovered that the walls have been constructed from the very same material that Annie used to harden her body parts in Titan form."  The blond continued, and I furrowed my brows as many emotions swirled through me.  "Pastor Nick won't reveal anything to us– he has been immune to our efforts to get him to talk to us."

   "Pastor Nick?  Who else knows?"  Spark asked, and I leaned against the wall as I attempted to process this.

   "The entire Church is aware, but none of them have said anything."  Armin answered, and Eren shook his head, glaring at the floor.

   "Bastards.  Don't they realize that there is nothing more important than humanity's future?!"  Armin sent his childhood friend a disapproving look, before leveling his gaze on Spark and me.

   "We don't know how this will affect the people, so we haven't told anyone outside the Corps.  Please keep this between us."  Spark nodded, and I finally spoke up.

   "What does this mean for us?  For humanity?"  Armin locked gazes with me, and I saw clear anxiousness in his sky-blue orbs.

   "It means that everything we've learned about the Titans may not be as true as we thought."


After everything that had happened, I was content with simply sitting on the edge of the wall with my legs dangling over the side and my wings spread out behind me. My mind was in disarray, trying to make sense of all that had happened as I gazed out across the landscape.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" Turning my head, I was surprised when I locked gazes with Jean, who was standing beside Sasha.  Smiling, I nodded in confirmation before turning my head forward once more.  The two took their places on either side of me, and I smiled to myself as the silence stretched on for a moment.

   "Armin has discovered something new and dangerous that jeopardizes everything we know about the Titans."  I finally reveal.  These are two people I know I can trust, and that is why I have decided to share everything with them.  With my wound from Herald still healing, my fighting abilities are most likely limited, even though the cut is well cared for and well on its way to recovery.  I began to recount the details I learned to Jean and Sasha, who sat, stunned, at my revelation.  After I finished my retelling, we all shared worried glances before lapsing into silence.  Sasha soon remarked on food, and Jean and I couldn't help but laugh at her successful attempt to lighten the mood.

   There we sat, three companions together as we watched the sun descend from the sky beyond the horizon, enjoying the peace while it lasted.

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