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Spark's P.O.V

   Despite Herald's slightly-threatening demeanor, I found that I enjoyed his company. The man was charismatic, I'll give him that– but I still remained wary of his presence. The cell I had woken up in had long since been left behind in favor of a guest room where Herald resided, which I was grateful for. The change in view was nice, and the people I met along the way were kind and accommodating.

   And despite all of this, I wasn't ignorant.

   I decided to play along for now, and try to learn as much as I could about the rogue Shifter village.  The people wouldn't elaborate much– I was on my own, which made it difficult to investigate considering there always seemed to be someone standing no farther than twenty feet from me.  It was when I learned that there was an archive that I decided to put a new plan into action.  Herald was the most dangerous– that much I could tell by the people's reactions whenever I mentioned him.  Well, that and the fact that he still held some deep sense of danger in his eyes; making him one I knew I should not cross.

   "Hey Herald," I asked, late one night as I sat across the same table as him, "why don't you help the people living in the walls?" Hazel eyes met my own, and my brows furrowed at the hidden emotion within his barely-expressive orbs.  My eyes remained hidden by my hair, however, due to the lack of trust I harbored for his people.  Which, fortunately, also meant that he couldn't see the suspicion in my eyes.

   "That is a question that's answer is simple; and yet so, very complicated."  I nodded, tilting my head as I waited patiently for his answer.  A smile blossomed on Herald's face– one that chilled me to my very core.  It was an expression that shone with pure, raw anger, and I couldn't help but dig my nails into my knees underneath the table in fear.

   "I hate them."


Rachel's P.O.V

"We have to get back to the walls for reinforcements." By now, my patience was wearing thin. No other soldiers had joined us as we traveled closer to Wall Rose. Tension was building in my shoulders, tightening my stomach– it was an awful feeling, knowing that I couldn't do anything to help Spark as long as I was unaware of her location. I rode on the back of Sasha's horse, and Connie rode beside us. I would alternate between the steeds and flying, and sensed the uneasy glances they sent to each other.

"Rachel, I don't know if we'll be able to leave the city right away." Sasha said hesitantly, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

"We'll need to rest once we get there, and get the needed supplies to go search for Spark." Connie called, his voice easily reaching my ears. I frowned.

"She's been missing long enough! I fear what the rogue Shifter has done to her already!" Feeling my temper rise, I carefully leapt off the back of Sasha's horse, pushing harshly off the ground in order to leap into the air and soar above the duo. The quiet gave me time to think; to plan ahead.

Once we get back to the walls, we need to organize a search party for Spark. I'll get the supplies ready, and hopefully the process will only take half a day. I'm afraid of the things that will happen to Spark should she remain in an unknown location for much longer. Shaking my head, I let my thoughts wander down a different path.

The Titan that spoke to Connie seemed to have known him... Could she have been someone from his village? It seems logical, and Connie could have been protecting her identity if she was someone he knew. This idea was quickly cast aside. The shock in his eyes was too real– he was genuinely surprised by the Titan's appearance.

My wings began to tire, so I carefully descended until I was just above Connie's horse, maneuvering myself until I was seated behind him, his steed only slowing its pace for a moment before sprinting forward once more.

"Look, I'm just as worried as you are about Spark, but the people in the walls still have the Titans to worry about." Connie said, turning his head to glance back at me before facing forward once more. "We need to be prepared if another Shifter is involved." I sighed in resignation, seeing the truth behind his words. The rest of the ride went by in silence, until Wall Rose loomed before us.  I stretched my wings, feeling the need to fly as I nodded towards Sasha and Connie.

"I'll meet you two back at the Survey Corps base." With one mighty whoosh, I was flying over the wall and making my way toward a familiar stone castle among the trees.

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