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   Spark is observant.  Anyone can gather this just by glancing at the quiet girl.

   She much prefers listening than taking the floor.  Before, in memories vague and murky but clear enough to decipher, she got the impression that she was often the child to be pushed to the side lines in favor of the kids that shone more brightly.  This gave her a chance to develop her people-watching skills.  Spark was okay with that; she really, truly was.  Now, however, with her powers laid bare for everyone to see and constant curious gazes piercing her from all angles, she has been a bit more under the limelight.  She's more uncomfortable with this than she cares to admit, and spends more time focusing on escaping to a quiet place than watching anyone else.  Sometimes she just can't help it, though– when her eyes linger on Sasha and Jean laughing together, Rachel sitting right by their side with the happiest smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes that Spark can't decipher but it almost seems like–


   Spark frowns, thinking over the lack of answer within herself and goes back to observing.  She ignores the stares on her back, the prickling of her skin, the hair hiding her eyes and she listens.  To gossip, to passing conversations, to the life songs of those around her.  Her ability to focus so intensely is a curse as much as it is a blessing.

   And by the end of the day, Spark's conclusion of the gleam in Rachel's eyes is... sad.  Resigned.  A desire for more.  Like, for only being halfway through her entire life, she has already accepted the end of her time that would be years down the line.  She thinks back to the similar sadness in Rachel's eyes when she told Spark the story of when her wings changed color from grey to white.

   Spark feels uneasy.

   Armin, Eren, Levi, and a few select others are sent on a covert mission to the capital after another three days of making backup plans for the backup plans.  Most failsafes have a failsafe, and Spark is fairly confident the Scouts have their bases covered.  Rachel went off with Sasha and Jean to prepare supplies, and the rest of the Scouting Regiment have split up into groups to ride out to the surrounding towns to quietly warn the people of what is to come.  The different parts of the beginning stages would take a few days, at least. Spark and Kaiden are left behind, occupying the dining hall in the silent headquarters.  Normally she would be out on the front lines, but she needs a moment to try and sort out her thoughts.

   "What's on your mind?"  Kaiden's quiet voice brings Spark out of her swirling mind.  With her hair pulled up out of her face, her crimson irises lock on to Kaiden's relaxed form.  She frowns.

   "I used to live with only animals, you know."  She begins.  "I became an expert at reading body language when it came time to help the humans that wandered into the forest without them knowing.  When to hide, which Titans posed the biggest threat, predicting their next move.  That all came naturally."

   Kaiden nods, waiting patiently for her to continue.

   "With my powers revealed, people began to openly watch me more.  Because of that, I remained ignorant to certain circumstances when it came to my friends.  Rest assured, it's nothing to worry about now, but I've brushed aside my discomfort due to a friend's strange behavior."

   "Rachel."  Kaiden offers, and Spark looks at him with masked confusion.  "You're not the only one with a rough past and a knack for watching and waiting– but I gotta admit, she hasn't been doing the best job at hiding it from people like us."

   "So, you've noticed too?"  She says, her voice unintentionally quieting.  "The decay."


   The two descend into silence, and Spark sighs as she presses her knuckles against her temples.  Kaiden watches her from the corner of his eye, still lounging in a comfortable position.  Spark knows he's waiting for her to admit the inevitable, but she can't find it within herself to do so, so she changes the subject.

   "You want to head out?"  She finally asks.  The boy raises an eyebrow, the skin around his eyes crinkling in tandem with the hidden smile beneath his bandana.


   "Anywhere.  Preferably a route with towns so we can help to warn the populace."

   "Lead the way."



The plan worked a lot better than Rachel had hoped.

Armin decided it was best to use the method the Scouts employed all those years ago to out the disgusting nature of the monarchy once more, although slightly altered, and it worked like a charm. Eren told her, quite gleefully, that the new queen sat silently, glaring down at the cowering advisors when the Corps members left. Rachel snorts at the image the description summons in her mind.

"Phase one is a success, I suppose." She admits, rolling her eyes at Hanji's snicker.  Sasha nods while Jean cocks his hip, voicing his own agreement.

"Those old crooks can be fooled by anything. The Queen totally saw right through us, but she didn't say anything because she was curious! What a world." The older woman laughs, leaning over to land a harsh pat on Eren's back. The brunette under assault scowls.

"I wish we could just leave her to rule. Why do those advisors have to have a say in everything? They're useless."

"Watch it Eren." Armin warns as the group shifts with light laughter and glances at the surrounding environment for any eavesdroppers. "We're still under their rule, so we must exercise caution until the plan is set in motion." The teal-eyed man grumbles, but goes quiet in response. Levi and Erwin had departed earlier to put the finishing touches on the preparations, while Jean and Sasha accompanied Rachel to see Armin and inquire how their time at the capital went. The bone-deep tiredness Rachel has been experiencing as of late has taken to the sidelines due to her excitement. This could actually work!

"Have the others returned from warning the population by now?" She asks, her brain racing to connect all the pieces.

"Yes." Armin replies, and his eyes light up. "Everyone knows. The journey starts in one week."

"Where exactly do you have in mind, Armin?" Jean asks, raising a curious eyebrow at the blond. Rachel nods, wondering why this hadn't been brought up at any of the meetings prior. Armin casts them a mysterious look, a small smiling curling the edges of his lips up the tiniest bit.

"We're going to the ocean."

Hey guys! Next chapter will be the last, so gear up for a long conclusion. I can't express how glad I am for those of you who've stuck around or come back after my long period of inactivity. I hope the following chapter is what you've hoped for in the conclusion! Have a good day, lovely peoples (:

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