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Rachel's P.O.V

   I could tell Connie remained silent for good reason.  After the Titan resting on his crushed house had spoken to him, he had immediately wanted to leave his village, avoiding the thought of his family's fate.  He had remarked that the Titan seemed eerily like his mother– not in personality, but in her physical appearance.  Once he had said this, I attempted to push the inevitable thought out of my mind; to which I was unsuccessful, mind you.  Could Connie's mother really be a Shifter?  If that is indeed true, then why didn't Connie know about her?

   Normally, Titans couldn't speak.  It was a strange phenomenon; if my years outside the walls taught me anything, it was that Titans rarely spoke.  I had only run across one speaking Titan before I met Armin all those years ago, and it was muttering words about food, and hunger.  It seemed to have been speaking almost instinctually, which the Titan in Connie's village also seemed to be doing.  What about Spark?  She hasn't ever talked, but I wonder if she is able to if she tried...

   "Rachel?"  Connie's hesitant voice broke me out of my revere.


   "How is your leg?"  Earlier, after we had left the village, Connie had gracefully helped me reset my appendage, triggering the quick healing process.

   "Healing, thanks to you."  The boy seemed to want to avoid the subject of the talking Titan, so instead I stated, "Why don't we let the horse rest for a bit?"  Connie nodded absently, reigning the animal to a halt before gently sliding of its back.  I followed, grateful that I could finally put some weight on my leg.  It was quiet for a few moments, before I broke the silence once more.  "Where are the others?"

   "Sasha went somewhere off to the west."  Connie began, drawing abstract designs in the dirt.  "I went to my village with two Scouts, but... they didn't make it.  We should meet up with Sasha somewhere in the middle of where we are and where she went."  I nodded, stretching my arms up and over my head as I sighed in relief.  I felt my wings unfurl behind me, great masses of black feathers that pointed up and away from my body to their full extent.  The feeling gave me peace for a moment, and I let a small smile grace my lips.

   "Alright.  I will scout the surrounding area for any Titans before we are on our way once again."  Connie nodded wordlessly, and I saw his gaze on me out of the corner of my eye as I got a running start before leaping into the air, pumping my feathered appendages to gain altitude.  There was no breeze, and the tops of the trees remained perfectly still in the distance– it was quiet, and I felt as though the moment wouldn't last for long.  Feeling my wings tire, I descended to the ground quickly in a not-too-soft landing.  I grunted when the impact jostled my leg, but shook it off as Connie whistled to the horse.

   "We should find Sasha first, I want to make sure she's okay."  The teen stated softly, and I nodded in understanding.

   "Of course.  And maybe she will have reinforcements with her, and we can begin the search for Spark.  I am beginning to wonder if the Titan Shifter is really Reiner or Bertoldt."  I said grimly, holding on to Connie as he spurred the horse into a gallop across the plain.


   "Because one of those two couldn't have stood that close without us knowing– my hearing didn't pick up anything.  I believe the Shifter that attacked us was much more experienced."  Just saying this out loud sent a shiver down my spine.

   How many Titan Shifters exist that the Survey Corps don't know about?


   "Sasha!" Connie called, smiling for the first time since we had set out from his village. The redhead had been camping out at the edge of a small bunch of trees where Connie said she would be. An immense relief filled me once I learned she was okay.

"Connie, Rachel!"

"Hello, Sasha." We sat near one of the taller trees as Sasha began her tale.

"Well, I went to a village that had been attacked by a 2 meter Titan. The rest of the people had evacuated, but I found a little girl in a house, and her mother..." The girl trailed off, to which I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.  She shook her head, straightening her posture as she continued. "I managed to kill it, and escort the girl back to her villagers. Since then I traveled here, and have been waiting ever since."

"I am glad you're all right." I stated, smiling at the girl. Connie had told her about the Titan we had encountered, earning a comforting hand on is shoulder. "However, we must find as many as we can and get word back to Wall Rose about these new developments."

"The Titans near Wall Rose?" Sasha questioned, and I nodded.

"Correct, but there is another thing. Spark was by my side when we began our journey to the base where you two were rumored to be stationed. She never made it. We were attacked by a Shifter, and I'm afraid this particular person has enhanced capabilities based on his attack. I can only imagine what Spark is going through; and I have not one idea of where she might be.

"We must find Spark, before it's too late."

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