Short: Entanglement

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Heyo readers,
Just wanted to post something to find some motivation– hope you enjoy this small one-shot! It might even be a little preview of another story I have in the works (I'm a sucker for wing AUs, sue me XD). It has nothing to do with the timeline or theme of this story, but this is an AU where every human has wings, so I think I'll take a chance to explain the look of Rachel's wings a bit.
Seriously been hard for me to stop just reading other's works and start writing my own again, but I'm getting there.  I've been reading your comments, and have to say thanks so much for the useful tips, suggestions, and support! And huge shoutout to all of you who follow and express interest in the future of the stories!  I seriously don't know where I would be without you guys <3.


If you would have asked Rachel what she thought of Eren Yeager before February 3rd, she would have said he was kinda hot. His eyes are the prettiest shade of teal, like the clear waters of the ocean. The built-for-speed wings that fold neatly on his back are decorated with two differently-colored feathers: one wing is a brilliant golden-brown, and the other matches the color of his eyes. When he speaks with intent, his gaze pierces her soul as he unloads his serious thoughts without filter (how he was so honest; Rachel thought highly of that, too). The seemingly endless determination he exudes when he sets his mind to something is also a highly admirable trait. To Rachel, he was kind of a perfect guy in many senses.

But right now it's after February 3rd, so Rachel can confidently say that she hates Eren Yeager's guts for a few different reasons:

   One, the boy is positively and utterly clueless when it comes to love. It's clear his adoptive sister Mikasa has immense, more-than-platonic feelings for him, but Eren merely brushes off said feelings and dismisses them as her overprotective nature. Rachel certainly wouldn't have been okay with the boy's actions should she have been in Mikasa's position, but she isn't so she lets the oriental girl deal with the situation on her own. Having known Eren for years, herself, Rachel was eventually convinced to confess her own feelings to the boy one warm Spring morning. He had rejected her in his own worst way possible– with obliviousness and, when Rachel had been more blunt, a blatant dismissal of her feelings. Of course, Rachel would have been fine to remain friends after he had broken her heart following her confession, but his nasty tendencies thereafter pushed her away. The girl was– is– strong enough to know when enough is enough, so she made the decision to cut him (and subsequently, Mikasa) out of her life as soon as things started to go south.

   Two, he wasn't always as honest as Rachel believed him to be. Due to his blunt nature, the girl always assumed everything he said was truly how he felt from his heart; the only thing she'll admit on this front is that she was so, so wrong.

   And three, Eren somehow got himself involved with a major gang and dragged Rachel along for the ride.  Not that she minds the 'gang'– they are actually a chill group of people when you get to know them, she's willingly ready to admit.  But that fact that Eren is the one who told them she would be totally willing to throw all caution to the wind and be associated with what the King considers as a literal mafia organization is what sets her nerves alight.

Needles to say, the third factor plays into Rachel's source of dislike a lot.

Apparently, an organization called the Scout Regiment had taken notice of Eren's "selective natural talent". Rachel had been entranced by it at first– where the boy seriously lacked in math and language courses he made up in certain physical attributes: specifically his flying and muscle structure. His wings are thin and taper off at the end, clearly resembling some sort of swallow or falcon. Because the bone structure is built for speed, Eren usually couldn't go on any sort of slow flight or stay in the air for very long, for that matter. However, Rachel recalls a few weird experiences that she witnessed with her own eyes; namely flight patterns and habits that have defied all the known facts about people with his wing structure– something that Jean fumed at.

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