f i f t e e n

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$ f i f t e e n $

Hani tried to be brave as she joined the coven on the other side of the room, but she couldn't stop the tears that were beginning to spill from her eyes. The moment she was in their possession, Junmyeon dropped to his knees in front of them. Placing his gun on the floor, he slid it towards them, making it collide with Yifan's feet. "My head." He tried to offer once again, a desperate tone to his words. "My head in exchange for her freedom, Fan."

Yifan immediately gave a shake of his head. "I told you I wanted something more valuable. Nothing is more valuable to me than she is. I want her more than I want my revenge against you."

"Jun stop." Hani begged him.

Gripping Hani's upper arm firmly, Yifan walked around Junmyeon with her in tow. Junmyeon watched them, following them with his eyes. Then he turned towards his gun, it was a few feet away, within his reach if he was quick enough to grab it. His arm shot out and grabbed it, and in a flash he was back on his feet, aiming it at his rival as he cocked his gun with a loud clicking sound. But the leader of the coven expected it. 

"If he attacks me, shoot him." Yifan instructed his people. Immediately they all nodded and aimed their own guns at Junmyeon. 

The members of the pack all shot forward to hold their leader back before he could follow them. The first one to do so was Baekhyun, who stepped in front of him, he was soon joined by the others. Junmyeon struggled in their grasp while the members of the coven watched and waited for battle. All of them wore hesitant looks on their faces despite their guns being pointed at their rivals. The last thing they wanted was to have to kill the ones that they had ones considered their friends.

"Fucking let me go! That's an order, Light!" Junmyeon yelled at them, still struggling in their hold.

Yifan was out of the room with Hani within moments, and the room went silent except for the desperate cried of the pack's alpha. 


The members of the pack were not allowed out of the room until Lu Han had been informed that Yifan had left the casino with Hani. That was when Sehun, Jongin, and Chanyeol led a defeated Junmyeon out, while Baekhyun made sure to keep a protective hold around Miran's waist--his gun ready to take on anyone who might try to take her away. She hid her face in his chest as the group walked in a solemn mood towards the exit.

Hani was taken to a mansion on the upper scale neighborhoods in Seoul. She was quiet the entire way there, while silent tears streamed down her face.

Yifan snuck glances at her every now and then, biting his lip nervously. Though there was a part of him that was overjoyed at having gotten Hani, another part of him knew that having her would never mean she would love him. His chances were even smaller now that he was forcing her to be by his side.

As they entered the house, Yifan said to Hani, "Make yourself comfortable. But not too comfortable. I have to return to China in five days, and my woman has to go with me."

Hani turned towards him, eyes widened in surprise. "You never said anything about leaving Korea. 

"I have nothing here in Korea, only the casino." He told her, as though she should have already known that. "All my assets are in China, my businesses, my home. As my woman, you have to follow me wherever I go."

She shook her head. "I don't want to leave."

"You have to." He replied, not taking no for an answer. 

Hani finally decided not to argue with him further. Despite that he had gotten what he wanted, he still had a form of leverage over her, a way to make her follow all of his wishes. All he had to do was threaten to kill Junmyeon, or any of the members of the pack. But she didn't want it to come to that. For the time being, she would have to obey. At least until she could learn to use his love for her against him.

"I'll show you to your room." He said, and took a few steps towards the staircase at the end of the living room. He gestured for her to follow and she did almost immediately.


Lu Han arrived in his hotel room with his hand cradling his other arm, rubbing on his shoulder that felt swollen and tender to the touch. He got the door open and was surprised to see the lights were on and his wife was sitting on one of the couches wearing a silky sleeping robe wrapped around her frame, her phone in her hand and a worried look on her face. She seemed to relax and sighed with relief when she saw him coming into the room.

"Han." She shot up from her seat on the couch and hurried over to him.

The young woman threw her arms around his neck and only pulled away when she felt him wince to her embrace. She stood back, biting her lip nervously. "Are you okay, baobei?"

He gave a shake of his head, looking down at his left arm while his face scrunched up in pain. "I think I sprained my elbow when alpha shoved me back." He told her--he still referred to Junmyeon as his alpha, behind closed doors and behind Yifan's back. His arm was stiff and he felt that he couldn't move it. But he was just starting to feel it, since he had been pumped by the adrenaline of the moment back at the casino.

Mei Lin pushed the sleeves of her robe up her arms as a look of rage overtook her features. "That guy's going to learn not to mess with my man." She said, determined to find the pack's leader. 

She stomped towards the exit and Lu Han hurried after her, stopping her with an arm around her waist. "Jagi, wait." He said to her, his pain poking through his words. "You have to understand. We're the bad guys in this situation. We took his wife away from him. I would to the same for you."

His wife struggled in his hold for half a minute before she finally gave up with a sigh. His words had managed to sink in and get through to her. "I guess you're right, Han. But it still pisses me off that he hurt you." Turning in his arms, she placed her hands on her shoulders and got on her tip toes to press her lips to his. "I'll grab my keys. I'm taking you to the hospital so you can get that arm fixed."

She pulled away from him and walked away in search of her keys.

Lu Han watched her disappear into the room of their hotel suite and heaved a sigh. He didn't agree with what his duizhang was doing. But as a member of the coven, he had to follow.


update for today. 

thank you all so much for reading and all that jazz. i wanted to update more, and more often. but i never realize that sometimes i have to enjoy my life outside of wattpad when im on vacation from school.

i've actually had things to do, friends to see, family to spend time (and get drunk) with. i apologize that it has left me with less time than i wanted to spend time here with you all.

just know that i appreciate you ^.^

lots of blessings for the new year!

-clary xx

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