t w e n t y s e v e n

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$ t w e n t y s e v e n $

Her husband was out of the house after their breakfast in bed together. As soon as she heard his car pull out of the driveway, Hyuna jumped out of bed and grabbed her phone off the night stand. She went to her window and pulled the curtain aside, making sure that their driveway was empty. Only after that did she return to her bed and sat down at the edge of it.

She reached for the note that she had hidden in one of her bed side drawers and unfolded it to get the pack alpha's phone number. She dialed it into her phone and waited as it rang.

The first few times, the call went ignored, but she persisted. At about the fifth attempt, there was a response from the other side. The irritated voice of Kim Junmyeon rang in her ears. "Who is this, and why won't you just give up?"

"Suho--" She barely said into the phone before his voice responded with excitement.

"Hani! My love. You can't imagine how much I miss you." He said to her, his voice beginning to break.

Hyuna instantly felt bad that she had to stop him and correct him. "I'm not Hani. Its Rogue--Xiumin's wife." After living years in a life surrounded by money, weapons, and danger, they had all grown accustomed to calling each other by their alter ego names other than their real names. Junmyeon recognized the nicknames because they were the same ones that Minseok and Hyuna had used when they were part of the pack.

"Oh, its you." His tone immediately took on a deeply rooted resentment. He blamed the Coven for having lost his wife because they had taken her from him. 

He was debating with himself whether to tell her to go to hell and hang up the phone when he heard her saying to him. "Don't hang up! I have something very important to tell you." As though she had read his thoughts. "I'm calling because Hani asked me for a favor. She wanted me to find out how you're doing, and she wanted me to remind you that she loves you and she misses you."

"You've seen her?" Junmyeon questioned.

Hyuna nodded, even though he couldn't see her through the phone. "Duizhang asks me to keep her company because she doesn't want to see him and he doesn't want her to be alone."

"Tell her I'm fine." He told her, though by the way he had initially reacted when he thought she was Hani, Hyuna concluded the opposite. He was probably hoping to lessen his wife's worries. "How is she doing?"

"She's fine too." Hyuna lied. She didn't see the point in worrying over nothing. She added quickly, something that was definitely true. "She just misses you a lot."

Junmyeon heaved a solemn sigh. "Hopefully we won't be separated for long."

His words gave her the impression that he was already planning a way to get her back. But Hyuna didn't want to know and she didn't want to be involved. As a member of the coven, she didn't want to let something accidentally slip. She was more keen on not knowing anything and just be happy for her cousin if the time came and she could leave them for the pack. 


It was the time of the month when the pack collected their dues from the people they protected, and the sellers they supplied. With four people doing the work now--as opposed to just Jongin and Sehun--the older members had decided to split up the work load. The omegas would collect dues, while the warriors would collect money from the sellers that they supplied. 

One of the biggest sellers in the area was a warehouse by the primary school where Jiyeon worked as a teacher. It was the reason why Jongin had been able to see her as often as he used to. The place posed as a mattress factory and had the unsuspecting people of Seoul fooled.

They had parked in front of the school with ten minutes to the final bell of the day. Jongin and Jaehyun walked to the warehouse, collected their money without a problem and were on their way just as the primary school classes were let out for the day. Even in the crowds of parents, children, and cars, the pack's warrior was spotted by Jiyeon. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her voice, almost muffled by the hundreds of others as she called out to him.

"Jongin!" She waved her hands above her head to get his attention. Her neatly done braids bounced past her shoulders as she did that.

"Who's that, hyung?" Jaehyun wondered, gesturing to the pre-school teacher.

"Go wait in the car." Jongin instructed without answering the question and shoving the suitcase filled with money into the younger man's arms. Jaehyun only nodded and jogged off towards their car to wait for him. Jongin went the opposite direction, weaving between the crowds of people until he was fact to face with Han Jiyeon.

She only had him before her for a millisecond before she reached forward and pulled him into her arms desperately. She hadn't seen him in days--per her own request--after he had confessed to her that he wasn't really a dancer.  He could hear and feel the relief in her voice as she said to him, refusing to let him go. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so afraid that something had happened to you."

His response was at first hesitant, but he soon relaxed and slipped his arms around her waist. "You said you didn't want to see me again." He reminded her, recalling the last time he saw her a few weeks prior. Though he was glad that she seemed to have forgotten that request for the moment and he couldn't be happier about it.

"First I was shocked." She admitted to him. Her voice was beginning to break as she continued. "Then I thought you were trying to play a prank on me. Right now I just really don't know what's going on. I just know that want you to stay and never worry me like that again." Her grip around him tightened as she said her last sentence.

"Its dangerous by my side." He warned her. There was still a chance for her to push him out of her life if she wanted to--for her own safety. The last thing he wanted was to put her in danger. But if she wanted to be by his side, he would do everything to protect her, and he knew the pack would back them as well.

She quickly shook her head. "I don't care. I just don't want to be apart from you again."

"These weeks without seeing you felt like years." He said, his hands holding onto her for dear life. He would never let her go again.

Jiyeon felt the same.


for the next part i think i'll feature chanyeol and yixing, since i really haven't done that yet. and maybe a tiny bit of tao being featured. 

honestly, i had originally intended for this story to just feature mostly yifan, hani, and jun. but then i started getting the other boys and new female leads involved and it became fun because i was able to create something of a new world and side stories for the other members. now i think this story will probably run for several more chapters, especially considering that they're rather short compared to what im used to writing.

thank you all loads for reading and i hope you have a wonderful week!

-clary xx

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