Chapter 3

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The rest of the day drifted by endlessly. My mind was racing, but school was the last thing I was concentrating on. He kissed me. I know it was all for show, but why would he do that. He didn't have to do that. I don't know what else to do, because my mind wouldn't leave me to my own desired thoughts, so I drift into a dreamless sleep, happy that tomorrow is Saturday and I can avoid Peeta.

I wake up to Johannah poking my nose repeatedly as she says, "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up," over and over again.

"Can I help you?" I ask her, then I yawn.

"We haven't seen you in 2 days, brainless. Where have you been?" she asks me.

"I've been at school. Why does it matter? Are you supposed to know everything I do?" I reply defensively.

"It was just a question brainless. No need to get irate," Johannah says. "And if you've been at school, then where have you been during lunch? No one has seen you?"

"I wasn't feeling well on Thursday and yesterday I just wasn't hungry, so I decided to come home to check on Prim. She was sick yesterday. Sorry that I didn't bother to tell you guys," I say.

"It's alright. We were just curious. So do you want to go to the mall with me and the girls? I'm only going because they said we would get food, so I thought I could get you to come," she asks.

"It's too early!" I protest.

"It's almost 3:30! You have slept all day! Now jump in the shower and get a move on! I haven't had lunch yet!"

I take a shower, and see that Jo has laid out some bright yellow shorts and a black, thick-strapped tank along with some silver Toms. I get dressed and run downstairs with my phone and wallet in hand. Prim is on the couch eating lunch, and Jo is on the floor tickling Prims toes. 

"Prim, I'm going to the mall with Jo and the girls. I'll be back in a few hours. Do you feel better?" I ask Prim.

"Lots. Have fun!" she tells me.

"Then lets go Jo," I say to Johannah.

We go out and I see Glimmer in the drivers seat and Clove in the passanger seat of Glimmer's jeep. That must mean Annie is in the back. Johannah and I slide in with me in the middle between Annie and Jo. Glimmer drives us to the mall, which is about 15 minutes from my house. 

"So where have you been, Kat?" Annie asks me as Glimmer pulls out of my driveway.

I tell her what I told Johannah and they all just say "Oh."  We start talking about the new movie coming out called "The Hunger Games". (A/N: See what I did there?! :D) 

"We should go see it!" Clove says. She's always been in to the knife throwing and action packed kind of stuff along with Jo and me. Annie and Glimmer are the girly ones. 

"I don't know," says Annie. "It looks pretty violent." Annie is a peaceful girl and doesn't like that kind of stuff.

"Exactly!" Clove, Jo, and I all say at the same time.

"I'll buy you any box of candy you want if you go with us, Annie. Pleeease!" I beg her. 

"Fine!" she gives in. "But first we're going shopping!" 

"Yay! Shopping!!! We need to find dresses for prom anyway! Yay! I'm so excited!" Glimmer squeals as she pulls into a parking space. I forgot that it's October. Yay. Prom dress shopping. Woohoo. (note the sarcasm!) We go into a prom dress store and start looking at dresses. (A/N: I will post pictures of their dresses. The slideshow of the dresses is in the order the girls find them. So the order is: Annie, Clove, Glimmer, Johannah, Katniss) Annie gets a long, royal blue, one-shoulder dress that has jewels on it. Clove found a short, purple, glittery dress that has a sheer layor over the skirt and a bow in the front.Glimmer found a short dress that is made up of silver jewels at the top and pink at the bottom. Johannah got a simple short dress that is black on top with a red belt then a white ruffled skirt that has 2 black stripes.  I still haven't found mine and the girls are trying to help, but i am really starting to get frustrated. 

"I don't even have a date! Do I have to go?" I say irritated. 

"YES!" Glimmer and Annie say in unison. Johannah goes somewhere for a few minutes then comes back with an orange-ish dress in her hands. 

"Jo, you already have a dress. What are you doing with that?" I ask her. 

"This is for you. Go try it on!" Johannah yells at me.

It's kinda pretty. Well what I can see of it. Its kinda poofy looking, so i can't really see the whole thing unless I put it on. I go into the dressing room and try it on. It fits perfectly. I go out to show the girls sinse that's where the mirror is at.

The second they see me their mouths drop open. Does it look that bad? I turn to see myself in the mirror and my jaw drops as well. It is GORGEOUS! And I'm not saying that just because it's on me. It really is. It has an orangey glow look and it's short in the front and long in the back. When I walk it almost has a firey look to it. The top has jewels on it and is in a sweetheart neckline.

"OH.MY.GOODNESS. Any guy would be regretting themselves for years for not asking you to prom if you wear that dress!" Clove says.

"Well, what are you waiting for brainless? Buy it!" Johannah says to me.

We all check out, then take our dresses to Glimmer's jeep. Then, we go back in the mall and over to the movie cinema to buy tickets for "The Hunger Games". Annie reminds me of our deal and i buy her some sour gummy worms for the movie.

When the movie is over, Glimmer drops us off at our houses. I go in and show Prim the dress and her eyes look like they are going to pop out of her head! 

"So I take it that means you like the dress?" I ask her.

"No. I LOOOOVE THE DRESS!" she squeals.

"Well it's almost 10:00pm, you should go to bed. Goodnight, Little Duck, I love you," I say to Prim then kiss her forehead. Then I walk upstairs and fall onto my bed. I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.

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