Chapter 13

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I start crying even more when I see the doctor's face. I'm on Rye's lap now, crying into his shirt, as he and the others listen to what the doctor has to say.

"Hello, I am Dr. Aurelius, I'm the one that will be taking care of Peeta. It seems that Peeta's lower left leg is in extremely bad shape. It will need to be amputated," he starts. "But, we can give him the choice to use a prosthetic leg. Would you like that option? It is either that or a wheelchair, but most people prefer the prosthetics," he finishes.

"Yes, you can do the leg doctor," Peeta's mother says. I almost forgot Peeta's parents were here.

"Alright. Well, this surgery to amputate his leg shouldn't be any longer than an hour, but he will be asleep for awhile after the surgery from the anesthesia. He will then stay here for about two weeks to get used to his new leg. I will go prep for the surgery now. Good day," he says, then walks through a pair of double doors.

We sit in the waiting room for an hour. I have stopped crying, now that I know Peeta's alright. Finally, a nurse comes to tell us that Peeta is out from the surgery and we can see him in room 309. I immediately jump up from where I am seated and run to Peeta's hospital room. I stop in the doorway when I see Peeta lying asleep. He looks so peaceful, but I just want to see his deep blue eyes. I sit in the chair next to his bed and hold his hand in both of mine.

"You really love him, don't you?" I hear a female voice ask me. I turn to see Mrs. Mellark standing where I was just standing in the doorway. I give her a small smile. (A/N: Peeta's mother is nice in this story btw)

"More than anything," I say back to her. She does something unexpected when I say that. She opens her arms wide for a hug, which is strange since I only just met her, but I get up and walk strait into them. I start to silently cry on her shoulder. After about five minutes of this, I go back to my chair next to Peeta and hold his hand, while Mrs. Mellark sits on the opposite side of the bed. Soon Mr.Mellark, Rye, and Clay come into the room. I think they had stayed behind to talk with the doctor. I decide now is probobly a good time to really introduce myself since I was just a big mess earlier.

"So, um, hi I'm Katniss. You can call me Kat though. Um, I just wanted to introduce myself since I haven't really officially met you all. So, um , yeah," I stammer out. I feel so awkward. Someone else say something please!

"Hello Katniss. My name is Will, and my wife's name is Susan. It's nice to meet you," Mr. Mellark says.

"It's nice to meet you, sweetie," Mrs. Mellark says. I don't know what else to do, so I just turn back to look at Peeta.

A few hours later, Mr. Mellark speaks up. "I hate to go, with Peeta still asleep, but I need to get back to the bakery. Susan, are you coming?" he asks to Mrs. Mellark. She nods and gets up, then they leave. Now it's just Rye, Clay and myself in Peeta's room.

"So Katniss, how long have you been with Peeta?" Rye asks me.

"Eleven days," I say. I don't really want to make conversation, I just want Peeta to wake up. I want to see his deep blue eyes that make me lose concentration. I want his strong arms around me that make me feel safe. Peeta, please wake up soon! I didn't notice until Rye says it, that a few tears have rolled from my eyes. He opens his arms for me, and I walk over to where he sits and sit in his lap with my face in his shirt, crying. He hugs me.They could be my older brothers. They act like they have known me my entire life. Clay comes over and bends down in front of me. 

"Katniss, it's alright. Peeta's fine. He should be waking up soon," Clay says. I nod my head. and the crying slowly stops. I wipe my tears with my sleeve.

"So, um, how old are you guys?" I ask. "I don't really know anything about you."

"Well Clay is 20 and I'm 25. You're Peeta's age right? 17?" Rye asks me. I nod. "So tell us about you. Like, what's your favorite color or something?"

"Green, like forest green. You?" I ask.

"Mine is red," Clay says.

"I like yellow," Rye says. He looks at his watch. "It's getting late Kat, do you need a ride home?"

"No, that's okay. I want to stay here with Peeta. I want to be here when he wakes up. If that's okay?" I say.

"Yeah, that's fine. Come on Clay, we need to go home. Goodnight Katniss," Rye says. I wave to them, then lean my head on the side of Peeta's bed. I feel my eyes get heavy. Drowsiness takes over my body and I fall asleep.

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