Chapter 11

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"What do you want Gale?" I ask with some power behind my voice. Then I see he's looking behind me. There's only one person behind me that he could be looking at. Johannah.

"I don't want you anymore Catnip," he says then starts walking to where Jo is. Suddenly I'm scared for Johannah, but I know she can take care of herself. What if he hurts her? I'll never forgive myself for not doing anything to help her. I start to run and warn Jo, but Gale is already talking to her. All I can do is watch. I can hear them though, because they aren't far from Peeta and I.

"Get away from me you perv! No one in their right mind would date you! Maybe if you didn't abuse every girl that gave you the time of day, you would have a girlfriend! Now leave me alone before I get my ax and beat you with it!" Jo says. I didn't think about her hurting him. Yeah Jo beating Gale up would be a lot worse. Johannah is very skilled with an ax, so she's never concerned about getting in a fight. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a cry of pain. Wait a second, that was Gale. I look down to see Gale on the ground with his arms clutching his stomach. Jo must have punched him. I go over to see what happened.

"Jo! What happened? Why is Gale on the ground? Are you okay?" I shower her with questions.

"I'm fine. Gale was getting on my nerves and I kinda went off on him. Maybe it'll teach him not to treat girls like trash!" she yells the last sentence so she knows Gale heard her. Just then a slow song comes on.

"Would you like to dance Katniss?" Peeta asks me. I almost forgot he was there. He was just standing in shock next to me as we watched Johannah's whole outburst.

"I would love to. But I warn you, I'm not a dancer," I tell him. He just lets out a small laugh and pulls me along with him to the middle of the room. We see Annie and Finnick there as well.

"Hey Ann, hey Finn," Peeta says to them as we stop next to them.

"Hey Peeta. Katniss are you still coming to my house after this?" Annie asks me. We planned for all of us girls, but Clove and Glimmer had to bail out.

"Yeah. So is Jo I think," I say. She nods and walks off with Finnick. Now it's just Peeta and me. I lean my head on his chest as we sway with the music. I can hear his heart beat and for some reason it calms me.

The song ends and an up beat one plays and I go sit down while Peeta gets us each some punch. I look around and I see all my friends. Cato and Clove dancing, Finnick and Annie in the corner talking to some other friends of theirs, and Glimmer and Marvel talking to Peeta by the punch bowl. But I don't see Johannah. I look around again, thinking I may have skipped over her, but I still don't see her. Then I notice that I don't see Gale either. If he did something to her I swear he will pay! I decide to go look for Jo.

As I walk outside I hear some voices. A guy and a girl, and I swear they are Jo and Gale. I stop dead in my tracks.

"I thought about what you said, and I've decided to stop hurting girls. Especially now that I know a select few can severely injure me," Gale says with a laugh.

"That's great. Can I go now?" that was Jo. I can tell by her sarcastic remarks. 

"Hey there you are. I've been lookin-" I shove my hand over Peeta's mouth to quiet him. I put my finger over my mouth so he knows to be quiet. He nods in understanding.

"Well actually I was wondering," this is Gale again, "will you go out with me? I like that you have that fight in you. Not many girls have that."

"You're kidding right? How do I know that you aren't lying? I have been lied to by so many people, so it wouldn't surprise me if you especially did as well," Jo says, irritated. I take this time to sneak my face around to watch what's happening. Then I see what I never thought I would ever see. Gale takes Jo's face in his hands and kisses her. She seems stunned at first, then kisses him back. I back away and drag a confused Peeta along with me.

"What did we just see?" Peeta asks me confused.

"Well, what I am pretty sure just happened was Gale decided to be a nice guy and now Jo has a boyfriend!" I loudly whisper. His jaw drops. And I think it's because it is so hard to picture Jo with any guy. Though now that I think about it, those two are perfect for each other.

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