Chapter 9

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After school I head to the parking lot and find Annie's car quickly. A black, convertable, 2010 Nissan. Annie is standing next to it talking to Finn when I walk up.

"Hey Fish boy," I say.

"Hey Kitty Kat! I gotta go, goodbye love," he says with a smile looking at Annie. He kisses her cheek and leaves.

"So off to the park?" I ask Annie. She smiles and nods. What's got her so happy? Must be Finnick. They are so adorable together. Annie starts the car and drives out of the school parking lot. "So how long do you think the girls will be?" I ask Annie.

"Jo said she'd text me when she was home," she says.

"Annie, you never told me how Finn asked you. You know, to prom," I say.

"Well, a few weeks ago, Finnick took me on a date after school on Friday. We went to the beach, because that's our place, and he had set out a picnic. Right at sunset, Finnick took my hand and led me down a path I hadn't noticed before. We came in front of a big tree and he told me to read what he engraved in it. At first, I didn't see anything, but then i saw it. It read: Annie, my forever love. Then in a a heart was AC+FO. He grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes with a smile on his face and said to me, 'Annie, I love you so much. And it would brake my heart to see you go with anyone else. So Annie Cresta, will you to to prom with me?' And, of course, I said yes," she says.

"Awe! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!" I squeal as we pull into a parking space next to the park. We get out and go find a bench to sit on, when Annie gets a call. From Finnick I think. She looks worried.

"Ok, we'll be there soon. Bye Finn,"  she looks at me sadly. 

"What is it Annie?" I ask her. She is starting to scare me now.

"We have to go now Katniss. Come on," she says. 

"What's wrong Annie?" I ask her.

"It's Peeta. Hurry!" she says as she drags me over towards where the big fountain in the park is. I see Peeta laying down on the ground. He has on some dark jeans, a nice white button-up shirt, and his black leather jacket. That's not what he wore to school today. I see his eyes are closed. 

"Peeta!" I scream. "What happened to Peeta?!" I yell at Finnick who has a bouquet of 3 Primroses in his hands. What is going on?!?!? 

I run to Peeta and put his head in my lap. Tears are starting to roll down my face, when I see Peeta start to smile. 

"Peeta?" I say. I am so confused. "Peeta are you okay?" His eyes flutter open and he lets out a small laugh. "Peeta what is going on?" I ask, trying not to get angry by what is happening. They thinks this is a funny joke?

"Katniss," Peeta starts. He gives me another smile and wipes the tears from my cheeks. "I'm dying to go to prom with you." I smile and let out a small laugh. Wow. He finally asked me. And I guess it was kinda funny. "So, will you go to prom with me, Katniss?" Finnick hands me the flowers. 

"I thought you were gonna go with some other girl," I say. He frowns slightly. Maybe he thought I would say yes. I mean I will, but I want an explaination first. He sits up and faces me.

"You honestly thought that after I told you that I have loved you since we were 5, then you tell me that you love me too, I would ask some other girl to prom? Really, Katniss?" he asks me in disbelief.

"Well, kinda, yeah," I say almost ashamed that that's indeed what I thought. 

"Katniss, do you know how long I have waited to ask you this? Do you know how long I have wanted you to love me back? There is no other girl that could compare to you. I love you so much. So, Katniss Mackenzie Everdeen, will you do me the honors of being my date to the prom?" he asks me again.

"Of course I will," I say. A huge smile plays on his face and he hugs me. Johannah, Glimmer, Cato, Marvel, and Clove come out of the trees with those party popper things that let out streamers when you pull the strings. Jo has a video camera in her hand, and Glimmer gives out the poppers to everyone. Finnick is just screaming with joy. He over-dramatizes everything.

After about 15 minutes of this, everyone has left except Peeta and I. Peeta told me he would give me a ride to Jo's house, but first he wants to take me to the bakery for a cupcake to celebrate with. He then drives me to Johannah's house. When he pulls in the driveway, I give him a kiss on the cheek and get out of the car. I wave as he pulls out of the drive and leaves then walk into the house without bothering to knock. 

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