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I am in a heavy white silk gown that has a low neckline, a tight waist, and sleeves that fall from my wrists to the floor. There are pearls all over it too. There are pearls everywhere, even on my veil. My hair is in ringlets down my back with two braids making a half crown at the back of my head. I am so nervous. Today is the biggest day of my life. My nervousness must show on my face, because Annie speaks up.

"Katniss, there is nothing to worry about. You love Peeta, right?" I nod. "So today you are going to marry him, and you two will be together for the rest of your lives. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with Peeta?" I nod again. "Then I think you know you are making the right choice. Anyone that has seen you two can't doubt your love for each other. So don't be nervous. This is going to be a wonderful day, because you and Peeta will be together and always will be. Ok?" Annie always knows what to say. I stand up and hug her, then everyone else joins in the hug. "Now, we have ten minutes, so let's get you out there and married off!" Annie says with a smile. All of my bridesmaids, Annie, Clove, Johannah, and Glimmer, and my maid of honor, Prim, head out in a line, and before I know it, I'm walking down the aisle.

Peeta's eyes widen when he sees me. His smile could not possibly get any bigger. I finally get to him and he takes my hands in his. We decided to recite our own vows. Peeta goes first.

"Katniss, you are stubborn, and mean, and you irritate the mess out of me, and that's why I love you so much. I have loved you since I first layed eyes on you. That's why I had hated you for all those years. Because I couldn't get your beautiful face out of my mind for more than 5 minutes at a time. I wish I had told you sooner, but I'm just glad we are here and together now. I couldn't ask for anyone better to love for the rest of my life. You are my world, and I don't know how else to tell you how much I love you other than marrying you. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you. Words cannot express how deep my love for you is. I would die for you multiple times over, I would search the earth for you. I just love you so much." I have started to tear up from what he just said. I don't like that he said he would die for me, though. I don't know what I would do without him. Now, it's my turn.

"Peeta, I can't tell you how much I love you. Your blonde curls that always have that messy look that I love, your deep blue eyes that shine like the ocean, but, most of all, I love your heart and how you care about other people more than yourself. I don't know how you have put up with me for this long, and I know it will challenge you to keep on, but I'm glad you have, and are willing to keep putting up with me. I love you so much, and I just want you to stay with me." I don't know what else to say. I feel like I should say more, but no more words come out.

"Always," Peeta says. The preacher gives us the rings and we say "I do".

We go to the reception, then we finally leave to go home since we are leaving for the honeymoon tomorrow. We get in the car, when Peeta speaks up.

"You love me. Real or not real?" he asks, even though he knows the answer.

I tell him, "Real. Stay with me."

"Always," he says.

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