Chapter 5

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When the day finally ended, I was relieved. With my belongings tucked under my arm, I proceeded to pick up Prim.

"So how was school today Prim?" I asked to clear the silence that sat in the air.

"Exquisite!" she replied sprightly.

"Learned that in English or something?" i chuckled.

She just smiled that smile that could light up a room. I was always envious of that. As we neared our home, I was shocked to see a familiar face walking down the path. It was Clove who looked more cheerful than ever. I smiled lightly and greeted her awkwardly considering she lived more than thirteen miles away from me.

"Katniss, my dear!" She joked happily. "You look stunning!"

I laughed at this remark as I examined the outfit I had practically thrown together.

My curiosity got the better of me as I asked Clove, "Whats got you all peppy?"

She giggled harshly adding tauntingly, "You will never guessed what happened after school just now!"

"What?!" I asked, although I think I know what happened.

"CATO ASKED ME TO PROM!" she screams. Yup, that's what I thought.

"Congratulations Clove! I'm so happy for you!" I say. "So does this mean you and him are a thing?"

"I think so!" she says still excited. "And how's my adopted sister been doing Primmy?" she asks Prim. Prim runs and jumps into her arms for a hug.

"I'm great! I learned a new word in english today!" Prim says all excited.

"And what word would that be?" Clove asks curiously.

"Exquisite! It means wonderful or something like that. I'm not sure, but it's fun to say!" Prim says. She often gets excited about school. "Katniss can Clove come home with us? I want her to paint my nails! She can do zebra designs on them. "

"I don't care. What do you guys want for dinner?" I ask.

"Can we go the restraunt by Peeta's bakery and get desserts afterward?" Prim begs. "Pleeeeeease!"

"How about we eat dinner at home then go and get something from the bakery? We'll save money that way and we still get dessert," I suggest even though I don't want to go to the bakery. Prim just loves looking at the decorated cakes in the window though, and I wouldn't mind some cheese buns. They're my favorite.

"Okay!" Prim and Clove say together.

We go home and we all get a sandwich. Mom is home on her break from work for a few hours so she can sleep, so we take her car to the bakery. I park right in front and pray that Peeta isn't working tonight. We walk in and I see a blonde boy that looks like Peeta, but it's his oldest brother Ryan. He waves at us as we go to the counter.

"Clove, Prim, what do you guys want?" I ask.

"I want a doughnut with chocolate icing!" Clove says.

"Me too! Can I have sprinkles on it too?" Prim asks.

"Sure," I say. "You two go find a table for us to sit at while i order." They go and Peeta walks up to the counter.

"What can i get for you?" he asks without looking up from his notepad.

"Can I get 3 chocolate-iced doughnuts and put sprinkles on one of them and then a dozen cheese buns?" I ask politely. He looks up when he hears my voice, and looks in my eyes. He looks at me for a few seconds then writes down the order.

"That'll be $6.50," he says.

I pay him then he goes to get our food. He hands it to me.

"Thanks Peeta," I say walking away. I arrive at the table and see Clove and Prim staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"Oh nothing," Clove says slyly.

"What?!" I demand.

"Peeta just checked you out!" Prim squeals.

"Well he does work here. It's kinda his job to check people out," I say.

"No we mean he checked you out," Clove says putting emphasis on "checked".

"What are you talking about? He hates me, always has hated me, and always will hate me. End of discussion. Now eat your doughnuts," I tell them.

"Whatever you say, Kat," says Clove. We finish our doughnuts and head home, dropping Clove off at her house on the way. We get home at around 7:30pm so mom probably just got up to get ready to leave for work at 8.

I go into the living room and sit down on the couch next to Prim, who has the tv turned on, and i start eating some cheese buns. Prim ends up falling asleep at around 9:00, so I carry her upstairs to her room. I go to my own room and grab my phone seeing a text from Annie.

A: wat was that at lunch???

K: um... its complicated...

A: spill kat!!!

K: well u kno how gale is always tryin to get me to go out w/ him?

A: yeah

K: well friday it got worse and he tried to kiss me but peeta punched him and told him to leave me alone. and gale was like 'y?' and peeta said 'cuz shes my gf' and in my head i was like huh??? but i just said 'yeah! so leave!'

A: and.....

K: and so gale said 'then lets see you kiss'

A: AND!!!

K: and i said 'i dont have to prove anything to you' so i turned to leave but peeta caught my arm and twisted me around and kissed me........


K: cuz he was just helping me even though he hates me, which i dont understand, and i have just been trying to forget it! and then that had to happen 2day ugh! he was just helping me! he hates me so lets just forget about it okay!!!!

A: okay kat. ill see u at school 2morrow

K: kk bye

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