Chapter 15

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*7 months later, May 8*

I am walking through the woods when I hear a scream. A little girl's scream, I think. I hear it again. I know this scream. I would know it anywhere. The scream is coming from Prim's mouth. I frantically search for her, but I can't find her anywhere. I come to the lake by a little cement house that my father used to bring me to, when I see her. Her bruised body surrounded by a large pool of blood.

"Prim!" I cry out. I run to her and check her pulse. It's not there. "Prim, no! No! Come on Prim!" I scream at her unmoving, dead body in my arms. I get up from where she is, and scream as I see other people around her, lying in pools of their own red blood. I see all of my friends. Glimmer, Annie, Cato, Marvel, Finnick, and Clove, but I swear my heart stops when I see a boy with blonde curls. No. It can't be him. Prim died so Peeta is all I have left. My mother left me when my father died, so she will just die out now that Prim died. This cannot be Peeta sitting in front of me. I will have nothing to live for. I look at the face of this person who I pray isn't my Peeta, and I let out an ear-peircing scream. I kneel next to Peeta and yell even though I know he can't hear me."Peeta! Stay with me! Please stay! I need you!" My sobs are getting caught in my throat when I feel someone shaking me.

"Katniss," the voice says.

I bolt up with my sobs overtaking me. I look over and see Prim was shaking my shoulder. It was her voice. I reach over and grab her, squeezing onto her tightly. She looks a little startled, but hugs me back.

"You can't leave me, Primrose. I love you so much. Don't leave me. Please, don't," I beg in a very unsteady voice.

"I would never leave you, Katniss. I love you, too. Now here, I got you this especially for this morning," she says as she wipes my tears and hands me a gift bag. Oh yeah. I'm 18 today. Happy birthday to me (note the sarcasm). I open the gift and pull out a beautiful, gold, sequin top, a high-waisted, black, leather mini skirt, and two gold cuff bracelets. (A/N: Picture on side)

"Prim, it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you so much!" I say as I hug her again. She just nods and leaves, so I can shower and get dressed. Today I decide to leave my hair in its natural waves over my shoulders. I put on some light and natural looking make-up, which I don't wear often, and put on some black flats. I grab my backpack, wallet, and phone, then head downstairs, where I see Prim waiting by the door talking to Peeta. Peeta has been giving Prim and me rides to school after he got used to his new leg a few months ago. Peeta sees me, and his eyes light up. He comes over to me and hugs me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," he says. He has a bag in his hands, which he hands to me. I open it and see half a dozen cheese buns.

"YAY!" I yell and give Peeta a tight hug. When I let go, I grab two cheese buns, one in each hand, and stuff a big bite in my mouth. Peeta has that adorable smirk on his face, and Prim just laughs. "What? They are so good!" I say stretching the o's out on the word so. 

"Yes, they are, but we need to leave for school now, or we'll be late," Peeta says grabbing my hand. We drop Prim off, then head to our school. I get a "Happy birthday!" from everyone, and then finally the last bell rings and it's time to leave. I go meet Peeta by his locker, like everyday, and see a note taped to it with my name on it. I open it and it reads: Katniss, Go to the place where we shared our first kiss. Look hard and you will find your next clue. 

I think for a second, then remember the day he saved me from Gale. I walk out and look at all the trees, where I see nothing. I look at the note again. Look hard and you will find your next clue. I'm looking! I see nothing! I sstomp around frustrated, when I trip over a rock. I open my eyes and see another clue in front of me. I pick up the small paper to see that it reads: Now go find the place where you thought I was dead. Sorry about that btw :). I have left my car so you don't have to walk. I automatically jump up and run to where he parked us this morning, where I find his keys in the glove compartment, and head to the park. I get out of the car and run to the fountain by where we were when he asked me to prom. I see a note attached to the bottom of the fountain, and look at it. Finally, go to your most favorite secret hideout and find your surprise. I know exactly where to go. Peeta is the only person I have ever taken there. Not even Prim. I go back to the car and head into the woods near my house. I park at Peeta's house and start walking into the woods until I make it to the lake my father always brought me to when I was younger. I see a soft glow coming from the broken windows of the little cement house I would stay at with my father. I walk through the old creaky door, where I find Peeta sitting on a blanket in front of the small fire he made in the fireplace. His eyes brighten when he sees me, and he automatically stands up and walks over to me. He gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.

"Happy birthday to my beautiful girl," he says. He gives me a small box. "Go on, open it," he says. I do, and I see a necklace with a "P" on it and a small pearl on the tip of it.

"It's beautiful. Thank you, Peeta," I smile and kiss his nose.

"So, I have decided that you are eating dinner with me. I got us a pizza, and I made some dessert. Oh yeah and you have no say in this, you're staying," he says with a smirk on his face.

"Well what if I don't want to stay?" I say jokingly. He just looks at me and we both laugh. "Well, come on now! Bring out the food! I'm hungry!" I say. He just laughs and opens up the box of pizza. We eat the whole thing, and Peeta pulls out a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries from a sack he had with him. We eat the strawberries until there is only one left. "You can have it. I'm full," I say to Peeta. He chuckles at this.

"Well, this could be the best strawberry of all of them, but you won't ever know, because you won't eat it. Okay though," he grabs the strawberry and slowly moves it from the bowl to his mouth. When it is about an inch away from his mouth, I stop him.

"Wait! How about we split it?" I say. He just smirks and stuffs it in his mouth. "Peeta!" I laugh and throw the crust from my pizza at him. He just laughs.

"That was the best strawberry ever! You should have tried it! We could have split it, but you just insisted that I ate it, so I did! And it was amazing!" he says overdramatizing the whole thing.

"I did suggest we split it!" I say throwing another crust at him. He laughs again, then stands up and takes my hand.

"So, Kat, we are graduating on Saturday, which is in three days. I have known you since we were 5 years old. I just want you to know how much I love you, and I would do anything for you. You know that right?" he asks and I nod. "And you love me, real or not real?"

I tell him, "Real."

"Well, these past 7 months have felt like years to me, and I am so glad I got to spend this time with you. So, what I'm trying to say is, Katniss Mackenzie Everdeen," He drops down to one knee, and I take a deep breath, knowing whats coming. "Will you marry me?"

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