Chapter 7

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I am in my bed now. I can't believe this. Peeta Mellark loves me. He LOVES me! How did this happen? How did I not know? All these questions fill my brain and I can't take it anymore. I have tried to sleep for 4 1/2 hours. It is 2:30am. I get up and go sit on my windowsill seat. I pick up the book I have been reading, thinking it will take my mind off my thoughts. I can't concentrate on the book, and it might be because my window is right across from Peeta's window. There's a light on in his room. Not like the light on the ceiling, maybe just a lamp. I wonder why Peeta is still awake. I'll talk to him tomorrow. I go downstairs and turn the tv on really low, so I don't wake Prim. My mother is at work.  Somehow I fall asleep.

When I wake, I see that it is 7:12 am. Prim and I have to leave in 8 minutes! I run upstairs and take the fastest shower of my life, then dress in some dark jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I quickly grab my shoes and run to get Prim who, it turns out, is eating breakfast in the kitchen. 

"Come on Prim! We have to leave now!" I yell to her as I grab my backpack and shove my phone in my back pocket. We are exiting out the door, when I realize I forgot my purse. I run back inside to grab it, and when I come out I see Peeta talking to Prim. "Hey Peeta," I say with a smile on my face. He gives me a huge smile when he sees me then gives me a hug. 

"Hello beautiful," he whispers in my ear, before he pulls away from the hug. I give a small laugh, because his breathe tickled my ear. I start to braid my hair since it's just a wet mess, then Peeta takes my hand.

When we get to school, after dropping Prim off, we head to first period. It's such a boring class, so I end up falling asleep, only to be awoken by the bell. Peeta must have been sleeping too, because he face is red from laying it on his desk. He takes my hand on our way out of class and we go to my locker. He leans against the locker next to mine, just watching me, as I change out my books.

"You are so beautiful, you know that?" he says quietly, so only I can hear. 

"Peeta, I'm not even close to beautiful. Do you need your eyes checked?" I ask him.

His face turns from smiling to serious, but I can still see the love in his eyes. "Don't you ever say that about yourself. I never want to hear you say that again," he says. I hug him. Just touching him sends chills up my spine. I really do love this boy, don't I?

"I'm sorry, Peeta. I've just never seen myself as particularly pretty," I say to him.

"That's because you're not," he says. Excuse me? Now I'm confused! Just a second ago I was beautiful and now I'm not? Huh? "You are gorgeous," he says with a huge smile on his face. Oh! How sweet! "And I can't believe you're mine," he finishes and I hug him again. The bell rings and we go our seperate ways to second period.

The bell rings for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and get a burger, some chips, and an apple. I walk over to where I normally sit, when I bump into Peeta.

"I'm sorry Katniss. That was my fault. Are you okay?" he asks

"I'm fine, Peeta. And besides, I bumped into you. I should be the one apologizing. Sorry Peeta. Anyway, are you gonna sit with me?" I ask him.

"Of course. If it's okay with you," he say.

"Well come on then," I say. We walk over to my table to see Finn, Clove, Cato, Jo, Glimmer, and Marvel already there. We sit down and just then, Annie walks up and sits next to Finn giving him a hug. They are so cute together!

"Hey guys!" Annie says. She seems to be very happy about something.

"Hey," we all say back.

"So who knows what's this Saturday?!?!?" Annie asks still excited. We all know what she's talking about. Prom. Everyone has a date except Jo, who doesn't want one, Peeta, and me. When will Peeta ask me? Today is Wednesday, so that means prom is in 3 days. 3 days and he still hasn't asked me! Well we only admitted we liked each other yesterday. So it's not like he's had time. I don't even know if we're "dating" yet. I guess I just assumed. I'm brought back into the conversation when I realize I was asked a question.

"Earth to Brainless," Jo says snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Are you okay Kat?" Peeta asks with a slight worried look on his face. I realize I must look sad or something from my previous thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. What did you ask Jo?" I say.

"I asked if you girls wanted to have a sleepover at my place Friday night, so we could help each other get ready on Saturday," Jo says.

"Oh, yeah. Sure," I say.

"So who doesn't have a date yet?" Marvel asks.

Jo and I raise our hands. I look at Peeta questioningly. He didn't raise his hand. 

"Who's your date Lover boy?" Finnick asks.

"Well you'll find out soon enough," Peeta replies. "I haven't asked yet, but I know she'll say yes. So I technically already have a date."

I feel tears wanting to come in my eyes, but I fight them back. He's gonna ask some other girl to prom. I need to accept that. I realy want to cry right now, and it must show on my face, because Glimmer and Clove take my hands and drag me to the girls bathroom.

"I'm sure he's talking about you Kat," Glimmer says trying to comfort me. Clove gives me a hug and that's when the tears spill over. Soon Annie and Jo come in and hug me as well. 

"I can't believe he's gonna take some other girl to the prom after he told me he loves me," is all I can think to say.

"You don't know he wasn't talking about you," Clove says reassuringly.

"I'll stay home with you if he doesn't ask you, Kat. But I know he will. He has to!" Annie says. I can tell she really wants to go though. I let out a small laugh. 

"I'm still going even if he doesn't ask me. Let him beat his heart out when he sees me in that dress," I say with more confidence than I have. Everyone just smiles at me.

"That's the spirit, Brainless! Now come on, Kat. Lets go to class," Jo says. She doesn't bother trying to convince me, because she knows how my brain works, but she is still being optimistic for me.

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