Chapter 12

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It's Saturday today. Prom was exactly one week ago. The entire group has barely seen Johannah outside of school all week, because she has been with Gale. I mean they both sat with the group at lunch, but they only talked to each other. I don't care, though. As long as Jo is happy. And I think she is, because I have never seen her this happy. She's gotten to where she always has a smile on her face, except or when Gale isn't around. He really has become a good person though. Whenever he gets angry, Jo just hugs him or something so he won't turn to violence. Which is ironic because Jo loves violence.

Anyway, I am supposed to meet Peeta at the bakery at 12pm and it's 11am now so I need to get ready. I jump in the shower and wash myself off. It has gotten cold lately, so when I get out I dress in a black, long-sleeved shirt under a black, leather vest, some dark green skinny jeans, a pair of black and white gloves (the kind where the fingers poke out), and some short, light brown boots. (A/N: I will post a picture of her outfit). I let my hair flow in its natural waves over my shoulders and slip on my black sunglasses. I grab my wallet and phone then walk to Prim's room.

"I'm leaving now to go meet Peeta. I have my phone so call me if you need something, okay? I love you little duck," I say as I walk into her room.

"Okay. I love you too Katniss. Bye," she says back to me giving me a smile. I walk downstairs and grab the keys to mom's car. She has me drive her to work on weekends, so Prim and I won't be stranded at the house. It's not an aweful car, but it's not new either.

I drive down to the bakery, and walk in. Peeta sees me and leaves the room to put his apron away, so I just sit at a table to wait for him. After about two minutes he comes back out with a bag that I'm assuming has cheesebuns in it. He knows those are my favorite. I smile at him when I see him and run up to hug him.

"Well you look gorgeous today. I love the leather. It suits you," he says. I kiss his cheek. He grabs my hand and we walk out of the bakery.

"Well you look nice today too. And what's in the bag?" I ask eyeing it curiously. Peeta smiles and holds it up.

"I know how much you love cheesebuns," he says. I knew it! Yay I love this boy!

"Have I ever told you how much I love you? 'Cause I really do," I tell him with a huge grin on my face. He kisses my cheek. We each eat a cheesebun, since he only made two, and we just start walking down the sidewalk, by all the shops.

Just as Peeta goes to throw the bag of trash away, a man in a black coat comes up from behind me and hits me in the butt.

"Hey! Don't touch me!" I yell at the man. That catches Peeta's attention. He runs over to me quickly to ask what happened. "He hit my butt. It's okay though,Peeta. I'm fine," I say. But I know Peeta won't listen. He goes up to the man and taps his shoulder. When the man turns around Peeta punches him in the gut.

"Don't you EVER touch my girl again! You hear me?!" Peeta yells in the mans face. Suddenly I see the man reach inside his coat for something. He pulls out a knife and my eyes widen in alarm.

"PEETA! LOOK OUT!" I scream. But I'm too late. The man has already stabbed Peeta's left leg and he's bleeding intensely. The man has already run off. I run to a very pale-faced Peeta and grab his hand. Tears are streaming steadily down my face now. I get out my phone and call 911. "Hi my boyfriend was just stabbed by a guy in a black coat. He is losing a lot of blood please help him! PLEASE!" I look down at Peeta, who is slowly losing consciousness. "Peeta stay awake! Please stay awake Peeta! Please!" I cry into our intertwined hands.

"Katniss," Peeta says, but it's barely a whisper. I can hear the weakness in his voice from blood loss.

"It's okay, Peeta. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. Just stay awake, please! You have to stay awake," I say to him. I can tell he is fighting hard to stay awake. I am sobbing by the time the ambulence gets here. "Please can I ride with you to the hospital? I have no other ride," I ask a nurse. She looks at me with pity in her eyes.

"Okay, but you have to stay out of the way. And you can't follow us inside. You're going to have to go to the front and ask to sit in the waiting area while Peeta goes in to get examined," she says. We rush to the hospital and Peeta loses consciousness on the way there. I am still sobbing my eyes out. How could this happen? How could I let this happen to Peeta? My poor Peeta.

I go to the front desk in the hospital lobby and ask for directions to the waiting area. I have calmed down enough to call Peeta's father, who I have only met briefly before, and tell him what has happened. Peeta's family immediately rushes to the hospital within minutes and I see Peeta's mother, father, and two boys that look like older versions of Peeta.

"Hi. You must be Katniss. I'm Ryan, Peeta's oldest brother. But you can call me Rye," the older one says.

"Yeah and I'm Clay. It's nice to finally meet you Katniss. Well not under the circumstances," the younger one says with a frown on his face. I think Rye senses my discomfort and comes over to me. He starts rubbing my back gently and telling me that Peeta will be okay, as I cry more and more. But I honestly don't know if he's going to be okay. Just then, the doctor comes out with a sad expression.

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