The Plot

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Dedicated to Kirrsty1000, who probably won't even notice cus she's so epic, oh well..... :(  check out her story Alpha Bloodlines


Darrens POV

The two rogue scum dragged me down back to the cell I had previously been in.  A few hours later I heard one of the other rogues anounce that the boy that saved Cassi was in a coma.

 I started to think..

When that boy had seen Cassi in danger, he ran infront straight away, not thinking about his own saftey.  Alpha's can tell when a shifter becomes of age, his or her scent changes.  Neither Cassi nor the boy's scent had changed, so even if they were mates, neither of them would know for definate.  So why then had he saved her?  I had seen what happened when he was shot, Cassi just shut down.  I remember when she was liitle, people thought she was heartless as she never showed any emotion.  But it was her way of hiding pain.  The only time she ever showed she cared was to her younger sister Dani.  So what was this boy to her?

Mabye he is kinder to her than the other rougues.  Yes, that must be it.  No matter what, I would never belive Cassi had gone rougue.  Then, the voices started again, the same one as before.

"He's gonna need some serious medical care, C.  His medical alowance is not enough to cover the expense-" they have a allowance for medical care? "- We could put out a notice, get donations-"

"No" came Cassi's strong voice " the Eithiopeia gang has many casualtys that need the donations.  They have allready been promised the money.  If we put out a notice they will feel guilty or oblised to decline the money.  We will make do on our own"

So Cassi and the rouges need money eh?  My pack, the Darklight pack, never had that problem.  We could pay for the medication and then some.

A plan started to form in my head. I smirked.

You want money Cassi, come and get it.


A.N Jus got up to #840 on the whats hot list!!!! Plz vote, fan, comment so This story goes even higher!!!! Love ya all!!!!!


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