Dream State

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Check out her story i'm in love with me phyco stalker!


Fabian POV.

I felt sleepy.  I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up.  It was so warm here. 

But I can't go to sleep just yet... someone needs me...

Images filled my mind...

A nine year old me sitting in a park at night.   I remembered all to well...

 I was angry and scared.  My dad had told me that I had to stop playing with the other children from my school because they were human and dirty.  He said as a more evolved race we had to stay away from the lesser people.  Then I had asked why if we were better why we didn't shift more ofen.  It was against my pack rules to shift unless it was a emergency. We trained in our human forms.

My Dad freaked and  started yelling.  He said no son of his would question him, and told me to get out.

I had ran out the room and shifted.  I ran far, far away, until I ended up at this park. I kicked out angrily, growling.

"Excuse me, can you stop having a hissy fit, your scaring my new friend"  I jumped out the air and growled at the girl talking to me.  She looked bored, and not at all scared that I was growling at her.  I could see she was a wolf from her shadow, but as a female she should back down. 

She smirked at me when she realised I wouldn't retreat.  Baring her teeth, she let out the scariest growl I had ever heard, including my Dad.

I jumped.  This caused her to laugh. " Cassi" she stated, sticking her hand out.

" Fabian" Taking her hand in mine.

"You like Ice-cream?"


"Well Fabian, then this is the begining of a b-e-a-utiful friendship..."

another scene

...." the wolfbane gang" yelled a ten year old me.  "No wayyy" said Jessica " the Danger patrol"

"the edge fighters!"

"Spider Ningas!"

"Turtle Division!"

"ENOUGH!" yelled Cassi, we shut up at once " how about the Lion Gang?"....


"Welcome to the first ever meeting of the London Lion Gang..."


"we need to spread out our members, start getting some work done to take out all rogues and get them to join......"


" Happy 10th birthday Lion Gang!!!" We toasted.

Faster and faster the visions ran, till they blurred into a haze of emotions, sounds and colours.  All revolving around this golden haired angel until...


Something peirced me in the chest.  I fell backwards onto the floor.


....I'm so sorry...

So sleepy... but I can't sleep....

Cassi still needs me.

So sleepy...


one new fan for next chapter!!!

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