How did this happen?

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Alpha Darrens POV

What the?!?

How did this happen?

Since when did the shy little Cassi Hunter, who used to beg me to play dollies with her, become a evil rouge?  Since when did she know what a rogue was?

All information about those fools who can't obey orders is kept from the females, exept the Alpha female, to insure their saftey.  We don't want them worrying about it.  So how does she know?  I can't accept she is a rogue, i won't.  I grew up with this girl, we were best friends.... until she was taken.  It was on her sisters eighth birthday, she went upstairs to get Alexus' birthday present.  There had been some disturbances on the territory line that day, but nothing serious.  I didn't think I needed to escort her.  When she didn't come down after half an hour, I got worried and went to look for her.  Instead I found her room trashed and the window wide open.  I had called the rest of the pack, but it had started to rain whilst we assembled.  Her scent was washed away as well as the scent of her captor..

I had kept looking.  Every year, I left my Beta in charge of the pack and went to looked for her.  This year my sources had found a new gang of rogues, who had taken over the entire of London as their territory.  I thought that I might find her there, or at least beat up a few rogues in the process.

I had decided to go down Dantley Lane, a small alley just of the main street, when I saw a outline of a wolf being cast onto a  graffiti covered brick wall.  A werewolf.

 Even in human form, we cast the shadows of our wolves.  I snuck up behind the figure that was connected to the shadow and covered it's mouth.  Suddenly, I felt the air swoosh around me as i was slammed up against the wall and pinned there by the figure I had grabbed.

Looking into the eyes of my captor, I was struck by the familiarity of her gaze.  For indeed it was a her.  A her with long golden curls and deep sea spray coloured eyes that glittered with knowledge, but barred any emotion.  She was tall and slim, with rosy lips and a pale complexion.  So familiar....CASSI!  I waited for her to recognise me also by my scent, which is different to every wolf. Mine was of sawdust and chocolate. Our scents were a bit peculiar.  Cassi smelt on rain and sunshine. but instead of releasing me, I felt her grip tightenround me .  Relising she didn't recognise me, i cried out "Princess please!".

Her grip slackened and I fell to the ground, face flushed.  "I thought for a second there you were going to kill me.  I was worried you wouldn't recognise me after all your years in captivity." I panted, suddenly struck by the thought that she might not remember, it had been almost eight years ago.

Then her bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes fill up.  I wrapped my arms around her, "Hush now, it's alright, we're going to take you home and protect you", she made an odd sound, alomst like a giggle.  I shrugged mentally, she was probably just happy to be going home.

I begin to pull her down the street.  She didn't move so I said "Come on, we need to get of the streets, people say that this is the favourite hunting grounds of the Lion gang, their a group of the mostvicious rouge-" Is top myself, she does't need to know about rouges yet..  To reasure her I said " Don't worry though, i'll protect you"

Then, irony would have it, the lions turned up. 

I pulled Cassi behind me.  This got me some odd looks, especially from the tall guy with shaggy black hair and forest green eyes, who was wearing a red t-shirt.  Well, rouges may be different, but in a pack we protect our own, especially the females. 

Just then, Cassi picked my arm off he shoulder and turned round to face me, ingnoring the males behind her.  A smirk was playing on her lips and her eyes were sparkling.


"You like my gang?"  Her... but she was... not a... what...?

"But.... you can't be a...?

She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"A rogue?" I flinched at the word " What? Suprised I know the word Alpha? Or should  I say EX- Alpha? Yep, these are my boys, my pack without the issue of being a slave to the Alpha"

They brainwashed her...

"But you can't be!" She glared at me, and the expression if looks could kill sprang to mind.

"But I am, so get the hell out of my territiory"

Oh, no. What was I going to tell her mate?


Comment plz, young cassi at the side

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