The Song of Fire

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------------------------A few hours later-----------------------------------------

Cassi's POV

"So let me get this staight.  You will pay Fabian's medical bill if I come and vist the pack until after my birthday?"  I said incredulously.  When Jude told me D' wanted to talk, I never imagined this.

"Well? Wil you?"  He queried.

"It's not just my decision to make" emotion was leaking into my voice.  It was too much to be dealing with this at the moment.  It made my desisions weak.  " Jude" I called. He entered the cell.

"Take Alpha Sillas upstairs to the firepit.  Then call everyone to come to the meeting, the 7 only"

"Who will fill in for Fabian and Garreth?"

Garreth was looking after Fabian in the Medical wing.  He couldn't be left alone.

" Matt and Dan"

He nodded, dragging D' out.   The Firepit is where we have all are meetings.

I take the lift built into thee stone wall outside the cell straight up.  The firepit meetings always have a bonfire in the middle so thee Firepit has to be on the roof of the building. 

I get up there and light the fire.

Slowly, the members of  the 7 take their seats.  When everyone is sat down, Jude drags D' in and ties him to a chair.  Then Jude goes and sits down.

"Alright everyone.  Let's start by playing the song that was elected."  each week  a song is chosen to send as a message to all the 7's round the world.  Each recomended song must have a reason for it being chosen and who they want to sing it.  The best one is played at the meeting.

 I read out the little peice of blue paper with the song on it.

Dear Mr President, as a message to all the pack Alphas in the world. Sung by Cassi Hunter

I smile and pick up my battered guitar from behind me. " Here it goes"

(A.N play song link now)

Dear Mr. President,

Come take a walk with me.

Let's pretend we're just two people and

You're not better than me.

I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?

Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?

What do you feel when you look in the mirror?

Are you proud?

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?

How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?

How do you walk with your head held high?

Can you even look me in the eye

And tell me why?

I was pouring all my emotion into the song.  Letting everything come out.

Dear Mr. President,

Were you a lonely boy?

Are you a lonely boy?

Are you a lonely boy?

How can you say

No child is left behind?

We're not dumb and we're not blind.

They're all sitting in your cells

While you pave the road to hell.

Tears poured down my face as I remembered some of the stories from the pack members, of what happened to the from the packs, just because they were different.

What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?

And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?

I can only imagine what the first lady has to say

You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?

How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?

How do you walk with your head held high?

Can you even look me in the eye?

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

Minimum wage with a baby on the way

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

Building a bed out of a cardboard box

Let me tell you 'bout hard work

Hard work

Hard work

You don't know nothing 'bout hard work

Hard work

Hard work


How do you sleep at night?

How do you walk with your head held high?

Dear Mr. President,

You'd never take a walk with me.

Would you?

I finish the song.  The rest of my 7 are nodding, knowing that what I speak is the complete truth.

"No.  That's not true!" said D' in a shocked voice.  "I'm ashamed of you Cassi.  Blaming all your problems on the Alpha's who tried to protect you.  It's the rogues fault, all of this"

All my anger from the last few hours, all the fear when I saw Fabian shot, all the feeling of hate and of being supressed I got from seeing D' again, It all poured out of me.  But before I could get him, Jude knocked him over the head with a wooden mallet.  D' slumped forward, blood trickling into his eyes.

Jude looked up at me and gave me a cheeky smile " well someone had to do it"

" Jude" I  said faintly " I think you just got yourself a promotion..."





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