Silver bullets

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Cassi's POV

As lay in my bed, I looked at the beautiful picture Fabian drew of me when we were twelve. It always makes me want to smile.  But it didn't this time.  I pulled a face and rolled over, staring at the ceiling.  It's covered in a massive collage of all the Lion gangs members from  all over the world.  You see, the Lion gang was something I started when I first went rogue.  In the begining, it was just me, Fabian and Jessica.  Eventually it grew into 300. Jessica moved to america to start recruiting there.  Now every rougue on the planet, with the exeption of a few, are in the Lion gang. Of course, we keep this information secret from the packs, as we have a record of the location of every rougue at any given time.  In the Lion badges, there is a GPS, Com- link, distress and homing signal.  It's pretty cool.  We all have each others backs.  You obey orders from your local 7, which is like a council.  Also from your county and country 7.  And from my 7.  And everyone obeys me.  It's a big responsability.  Some members don't like being ruled by a girl, so they take orders from Fabian.  But as Fabian obeys me, it doesn't really make that much difference.

I sigh.

Speaking of responsabilities, it's time to deal with Darren.  My ex-best friend.  Joy.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed,  trailing my custom made converse on the wooden floor.  Deep breaths I coach myself as I aproach the door  to the holding cells.  Their main use being when a wolf has been rejected by a mate.  If a wolf is rejected, one of two things can happen.  If they both don't want to be mates, and they both agree to the rejection, then it is painless, and they both get new mates, usually ones that have also been rejected.  If only one wolf is rejected by another, or their mate dies, they suffer through three days of insanity, hence the cell.  After this, they will recive a new mate.  Don't get me wrong, the mate bond is super important and cherished, but it won't kill a wolf.   

Anyway,  I nod to the gaurds outside the cell which is  holding Darren.  They bow back respectfully and leave.  Bracing myself, I enter.

Darren is sitting on the small bed, arms and legs crossed, looking at me.  Then he said  "I knew you were only putting up a front for the benifit of those rougues.  I knew you weren't her by choice.  Princess, let me help you get out of here.  I can protect you from whatever your scared of thats making you stay here.  Have they got a freind of yours?  Did they threaten the pack?  You should know no rougues can beat our pack, or any pack.  We are-"

"Indestructable?" I sneered  "Is that what the Forest pack was?  When they were killed last April?  What about the Snow Pack?  They lasted-what- three minutes in battle?"

He hissed through gritted teeth " those were isolated insidents-"

I snorted.

"You really are brainwashed by the rogues aren't you?"  He wispered, almost to himself.  I'd heard enough.  I turned to leave when....

.... SMASH!!!!!

The ground shook and the soung of breaking glass sounded everywhere.  I ran out of the room, ignoring Darren behind me.  The den was in chaos.  Men were surrounding my 7, Donaldan337's in their hands.  The best silver guns in the world, after our own Comet11's.  I hissed loudly.  One of the men turned... he aimed his gun...

"CASSI!" Fabian yelled, and ran in front of me, just as the gun fired.


Fabian looked down.

Blood was seeping through his orange t-shirt.  He swayed, eyes rolling back in his head.  He fell backwards.

I caught him, and cradled his head on my lap.  I felt as though everything had been drained from me.  Nothing mattered anymore.

 I didn't react when Daniel, Jude and Garreth finished of the men who had attacked us.

I didn't react when Darren put his hand on my shoulder.

When I did react, it was because I noticed his shirt.  The blood stain, although large, was darkest at his abdomen.  Was there a chance...?

"Matt...."  I said my voice rising with hope.  Matt is the 7's doctor. I pointed to the wound.  His eyes went wide and he grabbed Fabian, pulling his into the infermary across the hall. 

The door clicked behind him.  I started pacing.  Matt always never let anyone in his infermay exept himself and the invalid.  All I could do was wait.

 Seeing that I was not in the mental stabability to issue orders,  Dan told Jude and Garreth to take Darren back  to his cell. If it had been anyone else shot, it would be me issuing orders.  But not now.  Fabian was my everything.  I almost smiled. It took hiim getting shot for me to get me to realise it, how very me.  Not apreciating what I had, till it was taken away.  Dan was on the phone with Terrance.  T' is our tech dude.  The moment we are attacked ( which happens ofen by rival gangs, suisidal rogues drunk hunters ect.) The den sends out a live video feed from the security cameras to his house.  He then would scan the image and get ID of the attackers.  No one who attacked us were in their right mind, so they never thought to wear masks. 

Dan ended the call.  " OK.  The bodies we have in the rec' room are Conner Lindsay, Luca Bano and Thomas Duke. They belong to a branch of the Crosslaid gang.  Apparently, as a right of passage in the gang, after their first year they have to attack another gang.  The bigger the better.  They chose to attack us."

So the reason Fabian could die is of some big headed idiot biting of all they could chew.  Well thats just-

 The door swung open.

Matt came out, his scrubs covered in blood. He must have put them on to opperate, I thought dazedly.

He looked directly at me and took a deep breath.

"He's in a coma."

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