Homesick angel

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Cassi's Journal update

It's so HOT.

I had forgotten how much the temperature between England and America differed.  I mean seriously.  It was the middle of spring and they already had temperatures of 30 degrees celcious.  If it hadn't been for the tension in the air that had been present from when we had left the Den.

The plane ride had been miserable.  Everyone except Garreth drove with us up to the airport. He took the ambulance we had "borrowed" from the hospital a few streets away from the Den.  He would meet us at the plane.  Darren was more confident now we were fewer in numbers.  He didn't seem to realise how easy it would be to break his neck from behind.  He was sitting shotgun, with Dan driving  and me sitting in the back. He (Darren) directed us to Heathrow.  As if we didn't already know where it was.  We grabbed our bags from the boot of the car and walked up to the airport.  Matt had broken in to Darrens hotel room and collected his bags.  One of the gang would collect the car later.  We all had a couple of bags each, except Darren  Even though he had only been England for a week, he had packed more than everyone else.  

We (Myself, Garreth, Dan and Fabian) were going to be in America for 6 months and 24 days.  I had to stay until my birthday, the 31st of October ( make your jokes now).  Today was the 7th of April. Grrrrrr...

Darren had led us past security to a private plane.  I was glad we skipped the guards, as I don't think they like rifles, knifes TNT and Snickers bars on board. Especially the Snickers.  I had all of the above.

The plane was super posh.  It had all the fancy smancy stuff that sugested a guy with too much money, and not enough brain cells to work out what to do with it.

When the plane took of, my grip on the arms of the sofa I sitting in tighter unconciously.  I was mortally terrified of machinery hights.  It ment I would jump of a cliff without any worries, but I HATED planes.  Usually when I had to fluy, Fabian would sit next to me and hold my hand secretly, so no one else saw.

I distracted myself throughout the journey by checking in with Jess.  As she was in charge of the American 7, I had to let her know I wished to enter her territory.  Mearly a formality, because it didn't matter if she gave me permission or not.  I had a higher postion than her.  I didn't tell her why I was entering the country and she didn't ask.  She knew I prefered to work alone or with Fabian.  Fabian...

I had to snap out of it.  I was close to breaking.  Problem was, I wasn't sure if that ment I would randomly start beating things up.

Or if I'd just collapse into tears.

The jerky landing jolted me to my senses.  I disimbarked the plane with care and surveiled my surroundings.  It was night time.  Palm trees were swaying in a nearly no existant breeze. The tarmac was clean and there wasn't a cloud in the dimond sky.  I hated it. 

I wanted to go home.

Home- where the air smelled of smoke and rain.  Home-  where a cockney accent could be understood by everyone.  Home-  where people called hotdogs hotdogs, not weiners, and put tomato ketchup on it regardless of their age.  Home- where you could ask for fish and chips and get the crispy, sea salty kind of PROPER fish and chips.

"Here we are" Darren said, coming down from the plane.  "Home."

I felt sick at his words.  This was NOT home.

Cassi signing out


Sorry it's so rubbish, it's just a filler, wait till next chapter were she mets the pack  again, it gets ugly

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