Piece By Peice (part 2)

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Chapter 18
(The next day)
Rachel's pov:
Finn and I arrived in New York and were staying at the hotel .
"Morning beautiful." He said smiling next to me in bed.
"Good morning handsome." I said and kissed him.
"You ready for today?" He asked me.
"Yeah I am , I need to do this Finn." I said.
"I know and I believe in you." He said.
I smiled and he my hand then I kissed him. We got up and I got dress and we ate breakfast together.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asked me.

"Well I'm going to go to my fathers hotel around noon and then I don't know." I said.

"Okay well why don't we do something." He suggested .

"Like what?" I asked him.

"Anything." He said.

"Okay let's do it." I said and we left the hotel.

Finn and I spent the day walking around the city shopping and posing at Tiffany's and Time Square and now finally it was time to see my father. We walked up to the hotel where he was staying and I looked Finn nervously.

"You can do this." He told me.

"You're right I know I can." I said.

I was about to leave when I turned around said,

"Maybe not today , I have time and I wanna spend it with you." I said.

"Hey, you can do this." He said.

"I know , it's just , you should go and see the city , I promise I'll call you after." I said.

"I'm staying here Rach." He said.

I nodded and kissed him,

"Okay." And I walked into the hotel.

"Excuse me , can you tell me the room for Samuel Berry?" I asked the man at the front desk.

"Yes he is in room 204." He said and I went to the elevator and went to his room.

I walked down the hall till I got to room 204 . I stood there for a moment and then took a deep breath and knocked .

"Rachel." He said opening the door .

"Thank you." I said.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Thank you for leaving me and my mom when you did because if you hadn't I wouldn't have given myself the strength to move on and I wouldn't have never forgiven myself. So thank you for being an ass and a dick and for leaving me countless time and time again , because if you hadn't I wouldn't know what a real man was and that you are not him. Because a real man doesn't leave his daughter behind , a real man doesn't make promises he can't keep, and a real man doesn't let his daughter think it's her fault he left again. A real man knows how to love a woman , a real man doesn't leave when things get hard , and a real man doesn't abandon the people he loves. And the man who is waiting down stairs for me he is a real man. He loves me and he is kind to me, he doesn't walk away when things get rough because he cares and I care about him. So I forgive dad because I know you weren't a real man and I forgive you for making me feel like I wasn't good enough because now I know I am and that's not because of you it's because of him , because he loved me enough to stay when you left." I said and left.

I walked out of the hotel and Finn was standing there waiting for me. I smiled and kissed him.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked me.

"Staying." I said and we left.

Hey so I just came out with a new finchel book called Secrets so please check it out.

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