Jealous Streak

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This is what I get for being so obsessed with Sabriel. Why did I have to fangirl so much?

I know there aren't many of you, but for those of you that do read this, I hope you love it as much as I do.

*Makes you guys cookies*

This particular one was influenced by the new updates of Screen. If you haven't read that, it's by an awesome author named MishaVocaDu who writes really amoosing, great fics. Hey, I had to release my anger at Kevin somehow!

For most guys, a bar was a good time. Getting drunk, getting laid, shelling out money. What more could a man ask for?

Sam had other ideas. For him, this wasn't fun in the slightest. Dean and Cas had each other - they could drink as much as they wanted, do what they pleased, being happy. What he wouldn't give for that.

His eyes found Gabriel, who was watching the band play. He had mentioned earlier that he had wanted to do karaoke once the band stopped for the night.

Oh did Sam want him. Not that the archangel would feel the same way, and the hunter had come to terms with this fact, despite the distain he held for it.

He couldn't help himself. Gabe was something else, something that drew Sam in like some sort of magnet. It was like every fiber of him was created just for the Winchester to fall for.

Here he was, watching girls and guys alike go up to Gabe and flirt with him. He hated it. He loathed having to love someone that he couldn't have.

Dean elbowed him. "Sammy, man, you need to get to him soon before he's gonzo," he slurred.

Sam sighed. Easier said than done.


Hours later, when Dean and Cas had sobered up thanks to angel powers, they headed out a restaurant. That would have been fine and dandy if the waitress hadn't have been so flirty with Gabe.

It wasn't even a simple wink or anything. No, this lady was something else. She was pulling out the stops left and right.

When she had first came up to the table, her eyes had latched onto the archangel. "Can I get anything for you boys to drink?" she had asked, her voice like saccharine.

They'd all ordered their drinks, and she added, "And for the cutie here, it's on the house." She'd then sauntered off, making sure to move her hips.

Sam knew Gabe wasn't his and wouldn't be. But that didn't stop his slight possessive streak from kicking him, making him unknowingly glare at the waitress as she walked away.

Dean had caught his gaze, giving him a warning look. Sam had nodded in return, leaning back to keep himself in check.

She'd come back with the drinks, having unbuttoned the top of her blouse, and distributed them. She'd then leaned on the table and took their orders, winking at Gabe.

Everytime she drew near the table, she would flirt with him. Every. Bloody. Time. And it happened more than a usual waitress, the passing by.

Sam was at his breaking point. By the time they got back to the bunker, his mood had soured and angered, the hairs on the back of his neck and arms bristled.

He went to his room, pacing it as he tried to calm himself down. The only thing that backfired was that Gabe followed him.

"Sam, are you okay?" he asked quietly, closing the door behind him.

The Winchester stopped pacing and nodded. "Peachy. Why?"

Lies. He wasn't ok. Every ounce of him was buzzing with anger at everyone who had flirted with his angel.


Gabe snorted. "You wouldn't be this riled up over nothing."

Sam took a step closer. "You'd hate me for the answer. Loath me. Push me away," he said lowly. "And I don't want that."

The archangel raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Why would I?"

"Because you don't feel the same," Sam murmured, now only a small distance away. He could reach out and touch him if he wanted.

Gabe frowned. "How would you know until you try me?"

Sam smirked. "You got it, angel."

The look on Gabe's face was forever cemented in his mind when he closed the distance in a quick, fluid movement, pinning him against the wall. Their lips collided with a driving force, Sam pouring everything into kissing him.

Gabe was stunned to say the least, tensing, his muscles rigid, for a moment at the action. After allowing his mind to catch up, registering that it was Sam kissing him, he reached up to drag the younger man closer by his collar.

Sam's heart beat in his chest rapidly, hammering away in his ribcage. With Gabe kissing back, his confidence had him pressing as close as he could, memorizing all of the details about the angel. He took note of how soft his perfect lips were, puffed from the harsh kiss, of how Gabe's hair felt weaving through his fingers as he ran a hand through the gold.

Sensing Sam's need - and clear distain - for air, Gabe pulled back softly, smirking as their eyes met. "You were jealous?" he asked.

"Oh I was more than jealous," Sam said, pressing kisses along his jaw and down his neck, drawing content sighs from the angel. "Hell, I knew you weren't mine, I tried convincing myself that, but I hated their flirting. Incessant pricks, they were."

Gabe hummed, closing his eyes. "That's where you're wrong. I've been yours since day one."

Sam pulled back. "What?"

"You heard me," the archangel bit, eyes snapping to Sam's lips. "But, you're not the only one with a possessive streak."

The Winchester clicked his tongue. "Oh?"

Gabe leaned closer. "Let's just say that I've sent many to places they didn't want to be," he murmured. He chuckled lowly. "You also might want to lock the door."

Catching his drift, Sam did just that.

That actually took me more than a day to write. I was kinda struggling with it, to be honest with y'all.

Anyway, I'm working on the next oneshot as you read this, as well as my other fics.

I need a life 😂


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