Got a Kink There, Sammy? (P2)

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I was going to be working on the Q&A fourth wall update buuuuut... oh whale.

Blame Marie. All her fault.

(Jk, I'm the one who wrote it)

Sam gasped as Gabe's shirt fell to the floor and his wings went to their full span. His eyes were wide, staring at the three pairs, gaze tracing along the golden feathers.

"They're beautiful," he commented reverently, his fingers twisting towards them. His urge to touch them was overwhelming.

Gabe froze. "T-they are?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah." He stood up, coming closer. He moved slow, watching Gabe as he did. "May I touch them?"

Biting his lip, Gabe met Sam's gaze, shooting a shudder through the hunter's spine. "Just... be careful," he cautioned.

Sam smiled softly. "Of course."

Gabe, satisfied with the answer, gulped and looked away, bashful. He'd have to reign himself in, be prepared for the touch on his wings. If not, who knew what he'd do to Sam?

The first touch was light. It was barely there, dragging gently across the top of his wings. Gabe barely kept a pleased sigh from leaving his lips, flushing red.

"Why do your feathers fluff?" Sam asked, sounding far away, like he was more focused on Gabe's wings than what was coming from his mouth.

Gabe felt his cheeks warm even more. "Well, you do know that I have no control over them, right?"

He snuck a glance at Sam, seeing him nod. "They behave like you'd think wings would, with a few added things," he said awkwardly. "My wings don't fluff around just anyone."

Gabe thought he saw a slight smirk form on Sam's face at this. "So what about these 'other things'?" the hunter inquired. Yep, he was definitely smug.

"If it gives you any clues, mates are the only ones that can touch an angel's wings," Gabe muttered.

Sam chuckled. "Like at all? Or it's just kind of a pet peev?"

Gabe shivered as Sam went back to trailing his fingers over the feathers. "If a person, even if they were family like Cas, were to touch my wings, they'd probably be ripped apart, and not me even meaning to. It would just be instinct."

Under normal circumstances, Gabe would have been a whole lot more closed mouth about things, especially with the meaning in his words just then. However, Sam's lingering touches were far too pleasuring even at the slightest brush to let him think straight.

Sam knew this. He was starting to catch on to what Gabe was skirting around, though the angel was still in the dark. What fun that was for the hunter.

"What makes me so special?" Sam purred in Gabe's ear, confident enough now to try a few things. The angel jumped a little at the tone, flushing red.

"Anything and everything," Gabe breathed, echoing Sam's earlier words.

Sam couldn't help the grin that spread on his face. He softly buried his fingers into the feathers, his eyes on Gabe's features.

Pleasure coursed through his veins, a blissful sigh passing his lips. Gabe clapped a hand over his mouth, whipping his head around to glare at the moose.

"Sorry," Sam said, though he was quite the opposite. "Continue on?"

Gabe rolled his eyes. Stupid innocent puppy dog look. He was a sucker for it. "What else do you even want to know?"

Sam hummed. "That's the question," he said, a seductive lilt to his voice. "What happen if I..."

As he trailed off, his hands began to work at Gabe's feathers, thumbs rolling in circles. The archangel couldn't contain the string of swears, accompanied by a moan, that couldn't be held back.

Sam didn't stop. He was having too much fun teasing Gabe. Ok, so he also had to admit that Gabe's wings were entrancing enough to keep his fingers magnetized to them.

"If you keep that up, I can't promise I can keep myself in check," Gabe hissed, biting his lip. He itched to lunge at Sam. The pleasure was all too much for him.

Sam, of course, wasn't going to be hearing that. "In check?"

Gabe dug his nails into his arm to keep himself steady. "As in locking lips, Sam!" he growled. "I won't be able to hold back, and you probably won't like being practically mauled by a tiny angel!"

"Oh?" Sam pressed down harder, not enough to hurt, but enough to make Gabe hiss. He tugged lightly at some of the feathers, sending shots of liquid pleasure all through him.

Not able to contain himself, Gabe turned on his heel, pinning Sam to the nearest wall in the blink of an eye. The angel's gaze drifted to the hunter's lips before locking with the two swirling hazel depths.

Sam's pupils were blown wide. There was no shock on his face, but instead, it was a mask of pure lust and... love?

"I'm trying to hold myself back," Gabe whispered.

"Don't." Sam's words crashed onto his ears, steady and solid.

That was all it took for Gabe to pull Sam to him, catching his face in his hands and pressing their lips together in a firey burst of pent-up emotion. Sam relaxed into the angel instantly, his arms wrapping tightly around Gabe's waist.

Suddenly, Sam was slamming Gabe against the wall, the taller man happily kissing him with all he had. Gabe purred in response, clawing to keep the moose as close as he possibly could.

Hands went back to caressing his wings and Gabe put his head against the wall, eyes rolling back. Sam kissed his way along his jaw and down his neck, nipping at the skin.

It was like a dam had burst. All of their emotion was on the outside, a beautiful splattering of invisible reds and pinks marking each kiss and touch.

Gabe laughed as Sam's lips came up to his ear. "Gotta kink there, Sammy?"

Sam smiled against his skin. "For your wings?" He dug his hands into the mess of feathers, earning a low moan. "Definitely."

Okie dokie. That was my little wing!kink. There'll be more of that sometime, because let's face it - we all have a kink for angel wings, and if you say you don't, you're lying to yourself, man.

Next update WILL be the break one. Just a heads up.


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