Got a Kink There, Sammy? (P1)

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Sorry, but the other update you guys asked me questions for has to wait a little bit. I have some other business to attend to first.

Until then, use a little kinky shit I wrote a couple days ago to get your oneshot fix, yeah? Wing!kink coming right at you, guys!

Oh, and this is part one. There WILL be another half, but I can't decide how far I want it to go...

Ever since Sam had met Castiel and found out that angels had truly did have wings, he'd been itching to know more. He'd torn through ever book on angels they had, roamed the crap out of the internet - he'd tried everything, and there was almost nothing that could answer his questions.

About the only information was about the way they were shaped and how they were used in flight, but it never went into what else.

Sam wanted to know what they felt like, what touching them meant. He wanted to know these things, and his research was only serving to frustrate himself.

With a huff, he shut his laptop and closed all of the books. Might as well just ask Cas or Gabe.

Wait, not Gabe. Sam recalled Cas saying one little snippet about their wings: the angels were extremely self conscious about them.

In a normal person's mind, this most likely meant that he should, in fact, ask Gabe. He was closer to him, after all.

However, Sam's line of thinking was different. He was biased, yes, because he loved (yes, he did say loved) Gabe in a different way than he did Cas. Cas was like a brother, Gabe was... not.

But, he also was terrified of asking Gabe for that reason. At least with Cas the angel would give him a curt answer and they wouldn't be awkward about the encounter. Asking Gabe meant taking the risk that he would screw up and really just wreck over their relationship.

Sighing, Sam went on his search for Cas. It didn't take long. The angel was sprawled on the couch, lazily clicking through channels on the tv.

"Hey, Cas?" Sam leaned against the wall, eyeing the man.

Cas looked over, sitting up. "Yes, Sam?"

"I..." Sam rubbed the back of his neck. "I kinda got curious about angel wings," he admitted. "Anything you can tell me?"

Cas tilted his head, squinting. "And you came to me instead of my brother?"

Sam nodded slowly. "Was that wrong of me?" he asked, confused.

"No," Cas replied, looking thoughtful. "The two of you are extremely close, so I figured you would have gone to him for an inquiry like this."

Chuckling lightly, Sam blushed. "I'm actually terrified of asking him."

Cas's eyes widened. "Oh? Is this because of your love for him?"

Sam choked on air, his light redness darkening. "How'd you know?" he hissed in shock.

"It's quite obvious," Cas said, oblivious to Sam's disposition. "To me, at least. You practically radiate it, though it was always one of my talents to sense it."

The hunter tilted his head. "Okay?" He shifted around a bit. "So you think I should ask Gabe about wings?"

Cas's eyes sparked and a grin went to his face. "Most definitely," he said, a bit coyly. "I'm sure you'll enjoy the... answers he provides."

Sam eyed the angel, giving him a small, slow nod. He turned and left, a little put off by Cas's words.

Now, on to finding Gabe.


Gabe was playing Until Dawn in his room, sitting cross legged on his bed, a sucker in his mouth. Normally, he'd be playing Outlast (he was so excited for the second one, but they just HAD to change the release date) but he'd opted for a slower paced game today. He liked having the story.

Ashley and Chris were OTP.

A wild moose gently opening his door made him pause it, his attention shifting. He grinned. "Heya, Sammy," he called.

Sam smiled. "Hey, Gabe." He strode across the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Gabe could feel his heat radiating pleasantly, and it took a fair share of his self control not to nuzzle against him.

"Cas sent me," Sam said, choosing his words slowly. "He said you'd be the one to ask about angel wings."

Gabe froze. Damn, his luck just ran out.

Ok, so he was chicken and didn't want to admit he'd fallen for Sam just yet. Whoopty doo! But if he was asking about wings... If Gabe answered, his hidden feelings were going to be in the spotlight.

"Why do you want to know?" Gabe asked, clearing his throat awkwardly.

Sam blushed. WAIT. That's new.

"Just random research," the hunter squeaked out.

Gabe narrowed his eyes, analyzing Sam. His response was a lie, this he knew, so what was the real reason?

"Alright," Gabe relented. "So for this... research, as you say, what do you want to know?"

Sam fiddled with his fingers. "Anything and everything," he murmured, looking away.

The archangel bit his lip. "If I show you them, you have to promise me that this'll be our secret," he said. "Angels don't show many people our wings."

Sam nodded, eyes huge. Gabe could feel his gaze as he stood up, sucking in a deep breath. He faced away from Sam, closing his eyes and unfurling his wings.

He wasn't sure what to make of the sharp gasp from Sam, but his eyes remained tightly shut.


Okie dokie, then. Second part should be out soon, as well as the Fourth Wall Break update.

Time for me to work on my other fics. Peace out, awesome nerds.


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