Roger Rabbit

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This is actually a sort of introduction, I guess. Honestly, I'm going to be making this into a full fic. Normally I don't do stuff like this because it bugs me, but I need it.

There's something stabilizing about writing yourself into something. It's out there. It's concrete. I guess I just need a little bit of stabilization, eh?

Anyway, onward!

She turned, gasping as she saw a motel. Her phone almost dropped from her hand at the sight.

"Phoenix?" came a voice from the other end. "Dude, are you there? Speak, dammit!"

She was still gawking, barely hearing the words. "Yeah," she breathed. "Yeah, I'm here, Gareth."

"You haven't ran into them have you?" he asked worriedly. "You know how bad that would screw with things."

She snorted. "That's why I have you," she declared cheerfully. "Having you for a cousin instantly gets me off the hook."

Gareth sighed. "We both know you're stronger. Doesn't matter that you're younger, I expect you to hold your own and not get caught."

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Phoenix rushed, her eyes catching movement in the room she was watching. "Gotta go stalk 'em."

"Be careful," he said. "Please."

She smiled. "Aren't I always?" With that her phone was shoved into her pocket.


Sam paced the length of the motel. "We really shouldn't have let Gabe go out on that alone," he ranted. "It wasn't safe and you know it."

"Sam," mumbled Dean, his head in his hands. "You've been telling us this for an hour. Let's just get heading back to the bunker and Gabe will meet us there."

Cas nodded from his spot sitting on the bed beside Dean, of course in the most platonic way. Because they were... best friends.

"It's simple enough," the angel said in his gruff voice. "Just a coven."

Sam stopped. "It's still dangerous!" he defended.

"He's an archangel!" his brother exclaimed, his words spit with annoyance.

The younger Winchester glared for a while, but then relented, casting a look at the door. "Fine, but if he's not back at the bunker by the time we get there..."

Dean rolled his eyes. "We get it, okay? You're protective of him since it was your fault he broke a wing last time when it really wasn't your doing," he said, imitating Sam's voice in all the right places.

"Whatever, jerk."



Phoenix had successfully hidden herself in the Impala, underneath the back seat. It was a tight squeeze, but since she was barely over five feet tall, it was fairly easy.

It was just in time, too. The Winchesters and Cas slid into the seats and off they drove, unsuspecting.

She fooled them for about ten minutes before Cas spoke up. "I sense something," he told Sam and Dean.

Phoenix interally cursed him. What a feathered nutball.

Dean frowned. "Like what?"

"It's supernatural, I can tell you that," Cas said. "Exactly what she is, I don't know. A hybrid, most likely."

Sam turned around to look at him. "She?"

"Yes." Cas seemed to think for a moment. "Pull over."

Dean quickly pulled Baby over and sat back, waiting for Cas. The angel motioned for him and Sam to get out before quickly reaching under the seat, touching Phoenix's forehead before she could cry out, teleporting the two of them outside.

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