Tired Tribbles #1

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Is tribbles a word? I don't know.

Ok, so I'll be starting work on your prompts very, extremely soon (I think), but for now, I'm tired from gym class and lack of sleep (stupid insomnia smh) and drama. But, the play opens the 17th and closes the 20th and then I'll be fREE.

So, since I'm in this state, I feel like writing weird, random scenes that come into my head. This one is what happens when Author-Gabe is muggy from running a mile and Gabe accidentally becomes a child.

Update: I'm finishing this on the 20th after the play. I spent the last two hours trying because it was the last thing I got to do with the senior drama kids.

Double update: This is actually getting finished on the 21st.

Samuel Winchester, teenager extraordinaire, was in the middle of a very important game of Go Fish with Dean and Cas when his phone rings. He looked down at it, hearing the familiar tune of Heat of the Moment start to play.

"Why is Gabriel interrupting our game?" Cas asked, tilting his head.

Sam shrugged and answered the call. "Yeah, Gabe? I know I told you that you could stay at my place while yours is getting renovated, but so help me..."

"Sammy!" came the voice of a child. Sam instantly frowned, confused. "I need help!"

"Gabe? Why do you sound like a kid?"

There was a sigh. "Just come home and see," he muttered insistently into the phone. The line went dead after that.

"Well?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

Sam pursed his lips. "All I know is that I'm confused," he said, standing. "I gotta head home and see what happened."

Cas's face fell. "No more games?"

Dean immediately went to reassure him, cooing sweetly. Sam fought the urge to puke. They were so mushy.

The younger Winchester left the apartment. Since Dean and Cas had graduated, they both had apartments, though Dean spent most of his time at Cas's, leaving Sam to do what he pleased with Dean's. Hell, he'd even moved in. Not like there was anyone besides Dean to accept or veto that.

Five minutes later, he was walking into the apartment. "Gabe?" he called. "Where are you?"

The sound of a pot falling to the floor rushed to his ears and Sam poked his head into the kitchen, snickering when he saw Gabe.

Now, Gabe was a smol bean in his everyday life. He wasn't very big at all. But this? This was just ridiculous.

Gabe whirled around, whiskey eyes wide and innocent looking. He grinned, and Sam noticed that he was missing one of his canine teeth. He appeared to be about seven.

With a breath of relief, he chirped in a high voice, "Finally! I can't reach the damn cookies!"

That's when Sam lost it. He doubled over in laughter, tears springing to his eyes in a flood. He was red in the face by the time he was done.

Gabe just pursed his lips and crossed his little arms. "You done laughing at me?"

Sam cleared his throat. "S-Sorry," he apologized, voice airy. "You're just so tiny and cute and you swore..."

"It's not funny!" Gabe argued, looking oh so adorably mad.

Sam, stop it. You may be in love with your best friend, but you can't just show it, you idjit!

"Nah, it kinda is," the young hunter said with a smirk. "How'd you do it anyway?"

Gabe sighed. "Stupid spell," he muttered. "Got interrupted and it took affect before I could do anything about it. I'll be like this for the rest of the day."

Sam checked his phone. "Well, you only have five hours until you sleep."

"Who says?" Gabe snapped sassily. "Five hours from now is only eight!".

"Gabe, you're a kid," Sam stated with a bitch face. "Angel or not, you still need more sleep than normal."

The archangel pouted. "But, Sammy!"

Sam put out a hand. "No. You're going to bed at eight. That's final."



"Kinky!" Gabe shouted with a giggle.

Adorable as it was, Sam was having to chase him around the apartment. "What's it gonna take to get you in bed?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep by me?" Gabe asked, innocent eyes pleading.

Sam tried to say no. Key word was tried. A few minutes later, he was cuddling into the blankets, a content archangel curling up into his side.

While Gabe fell asleep almost instantly, Sam stared at the ceiling. He was replaying the day, wondering why Gabe had seemed so much more open around him as a kid.

Gabe was normally pretty guarded around him. Most people couldn't tell, but the Novak actually was more tense around Sam than he was around others.

The moose couldn't figure out what it was. It had only been the past few months or so that Gabe had started to act a little off, so he was a bit thrown off still.

He looked down at his little angel, smiling softly. He'd never admit it, but oh how sweet it felt to love him.


The next morning, Sam woke up hanging halfway off of the bed. He sat up, having a minor heart attack when he slipped a little. Looking around, he found that Gabe was fully grown (not that he was that tall anyways).

However, there was one, little, teeny-tiny problem, and that was the fact he was naked.

Sam blushed and looked away. He went to get off the bed when Gabe's voice came out as a small whisper.

"Hey, Sam?"

"Yeah, Gabe?"

There was a moment of silence. Then: "Why am I naked and in your bed?"

Sam felt his cheeks darken even more. "You did some sort of magic that made you into a kid," he explained awkwardly, voice cracking. "And you wouldn't sleep unless I went with you."

"That doesn't explain why I was at a lack of clothes," Gabe pointed out, grabbing Sam's sweatshirt and a pair of boxers from the drawer, not making eye contact.

The moose shrugged. "Your clothes must not have grown with you."

Gabe nodded slowly, clearing his throat. "I'm going to make breakfast," he muttered. "Sorry you had to see that."

As the short teen went to leave, Sam blurted, "Don't be!"

"What?" Gabe turned around, giving him wide eyes.

Sam didn't look at him. "N-Nothing."

"No, that was something." Gabe stepped back towards him. "What did you mean by that?"

Awkwardly shifting his weight, Sam got out, "I mean, I wouldn't, you know, be opposed to, uh, seeing you. Er, not like that, necessarily, I mean-"

"Sam," the archangel interrupted. "Just kiss me, would you?"

It didn't take long for Sam to have Gabe close to him. Probably a record time, really. Within seconds, the Winchester was kissing his angel with everything he had.

So this was my little tired tribble! To be honest, I don't think it made a scrap of sense, but oh whale. I was TIRED the entire time.

OH AND I ALSO HAVE A TUMBLR NOW. I started it like an hour ago...

If you wanna check me out, find trickstersimpala


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