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I really didn't like the last update, so it kinda got deleted *Nervous laughter* Sorry to say that.

I had good plans, though, so I'll be using those towards something else. I may or may not have another full fic length Sabriel one currently in the works *wink wonk*

Anyway, this is for M. Y'all know her as Bratpfanne300.

Cas knew Gabe was the biggest flirt in the school. Sometimes he wasn't even intentionally flirting. It just kinda came out of his mouth better than his English did.

When the twins had first met the Winchesters, Gabe had immediately taken to the youngest one. Sam had unknowingly adopted his own private flirting machine.

Here in the present, Sam and Gabe were now friends. They were best friends with a flirty relationship. And by that, Gabe flirts with Sam, but the guy either plays it off as some friend thing, or is just too oblivious.

Today, Gabe was trying his hardest.

"Morning, Sammich!" he called. "Sleep well?"

Sam walked down the street to meet him, smiling. "Yeah, actually. For once in my life."

Gabe nodded. "Ah, yes. Samoose doesn't sleep. You know, if I didn't know you any better, I'd think you were up with company." He wiggled his eyebrows.

The Winchester wrinkled his nose. "Nah, just video games. Outlast is too important." He gave Gabe a look. "Besides, I'm not a lady's man."

Gabe nodded, trying to keep his face masked. He knew Sam was straight, so why was he even bothering? "Of course, what ever did get into me?" he drawled.

Sam laughed, a beautiful sound that made Gabe want to shove him against a wall... or make Sam shove him against a wall... Either way, someone was getting shoved against a wall if Sam kept that up.

"Any plans for today?" Gabe asked. "If not, we can always go back to my house and watch Netflix."

Sam sighed. "Sorry, but Dean wants me home to help him make dinner or some shit. He was kind of spazzy. I think him proposing to Cas tonight is making him really jumpy."

"It's understandable," Gabe said, kicking a rock down the sidewalk. "I mean, if I was proposing to someone, I'd be pretty damn nervous."

"Who would you even propose to?" Sam asked. "You have your eye on someone and didn't tell me?" He put a hand to his chest, looking over dramatically.

Gabe grinned and picked up a rock, getting down on one knee. "Sammy Winchester, would you do me the honors?"

Sam gasped. "I'd love to." He gingerly took the rock from Gabe's hand and put it in his pocket. "I have plans for this rock."

Gabe got up and they continued on their way to school. He knew that Sam was only joking around with their little proposal, and so was Gabe, but deep down, he actually meant it.


Math class: Home of the stupid jokes, pointless learning, and, most important to Gabe, crappy and nerdy pick up lines.

He leaned over to Sam, whispering, "How can I know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the 7 digits of your phone number?"

Sam snorted. "You know them by heart, dumbass, considering you call me at two am almost every night."

Gabe pouted as the moose went back to taking notes. He decided Sam was going to have to listen to a few more nerd pick up lines.

"Our love is like dividing by zero. You cannot define it," the Novak murmured emphatically.

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