To the New Year

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Well... did we survive 2016? Will we all die in 2017? I don't know, but we'll find out soon, I guess.

Here's to another year, guys.

New Year's Eve. It was tradition to kiss someone. He'd waited all these years to take part, all this time to make sure it was just what he wanted.

And Chuck almighty, he wanted to kiss Gabe.

He knew it could ruin everything. They were best friends, how could it not? He cursed himself for falling so head over heels for the short teen.

Speaking of, the little shit was running around, flirting with everyone. What Sam didn't know, and might not ever know directly, was that it was a ruse.

Everyone here knew Gabe and Sam were in love. Whether or not they guessed it coming into the party, or had known since the beginning, they knew. Every single person in the room was waiting for midnight, rooting for those two to get together.

They all knew better than to flirt back with Gabe. He only did it to try to take his mind away from Sam.

The Winchester was sitting on the couch, away from the people, when Gabe came to find him, having grown bored of the crowd of high schoolers. Sam looked up when he sat down, smiling softly.

"Nothing?" he asked, trying not to sound hurt.

Gabe shook his head. "Nothing."

Sam bit his lip and looked back at the tv. It was the New Year's Countdown show, whatever the name was. The ball would drop in twenty five minutes.

"I never did ask why you wanted a New Year's kiss so bad," murmured Gabe, curling up on the couch, his whiskey eyes watching Sam's vibrant forest ones.

Sam blushed and looked down. "It's kind of embarrassing," he replied, smiling sheepishly.

"I like embarrassing," Gabe told him with a giggle. Stop being so cute! I'm trying not to fall in love with you here!

Far too late for that, Sam.

"My mom would always kiss my father at midnight," Sam began. "When I asked about it, she told me that the first time she ever kissed Dad was on New Year's. She said the angels have a soft spot for those moments, so anyone that kisses for the first time at midnight going into the new year will be together for eternity."

He chuckled. "Corny, I know, but sweet. She would tell me that every New Year's. It just gave me a little hope to cling to, I guess."

Gabe smiled and Sam noticed his eyes were glazed over. "That's the best story I've ever heard," he said. He laughed, sniffling, leaning his head against Sam's shoulder. "I miss your mom."

"So do I," the Winchester whispered. "She loved you."

Gabe looked up. "She did?"

Sam giggled. "She would always call you her favorite." He absentmindedly fiddled with the shorter teen's hair.

"She was my favorite lady besides my own mom," the Novak murmured. "Made the best lollipops and let me help."

"Taught you everything she knew," Sam mused. "She told me something once, and at the time I couldn't take her seriously, but I can now." He tsked. "Even in death she's giving me advice."

Gabe pulled away slightly to look up at him, eyes wide. Sam took notice of how close they were, his heart rate picking up.

"What did she say?" he asked, his breath ghosting Sam's lips.

"She told me that you were never what I thought you were, but something on a higher level." Sam's eyes flickered down to Gabe's lips. "She knew before I ever did."

Gabe tilted his head. "What do yo-"

Sam reached up, cupping the teen's face. Gabe's breathing hitched as he leaned into the touch, Sam pulling him gently into his lap. He smiled before crashing his lips to Gabe's, capturing them in a warm, soft kiss.

Gabe froze momentarily, but soon he was kissing back, his hands lacing behind Sam's neck. He was pulled closer as the Winchester got more and more addicted, his hands on Gabe's waist.

Their kiss was sweet and slow, riddled with the ever-growing love they'd been harboring the past years. It was everything Sam had hoped for and yet it wasn't, a different kind of pleasing happiness that sparked in his stomach, never felt before by him.

Sam could hear the crowd erupt as midnight struck. He could feel Gabe giggle softly against his lips before diving back in, tasting him, knowing him.

When they pulled away, panting, eyes bright and goofy smiles on their faces, Gabe put his hand over Sam's.

"You and me?" His eyes searched Sam's own, voice soft.

The Winchester nodded, kissing his nose. "For eternity."

From her spot in Heaven, Mary watched them, her face alight with a smile. John laughed softly, linking their hands and leaning over to kiss her, just like they always did.

I was crying writing this. Oh my Chuck.

Please have a good New Year's. Stay safe in bed reading fanfics. Watch the ball drop on TV. Party with your family.

Welcome to the new year.


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