Mistakenly a Couple

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I'M SO SORRY GUYS, I'VE BEEN ON VACATION! I didn't have any time to write, but I'm back now so expect updates from me when I'm half asleep and probably at like 2 am.

I binged Sword Art Online because I hadn't watched it yet and mY EMOTIONS ARE DEAD. I'VE CRIED TOO MUCH AND PUNCHED TOO MANY WALLS.

Ok. I'm done. To the oneshot. Gabe is still an archangel, but his mojo comes in little bursts so he basically has to function like a human, but still has his wings.

The cart made noise as boxes of poptarts were tossed into it. Gabe had grabbed about fifteen, having carried them in a stack from the isle over. He dumped them all onto the bottom, grinning all the while.

Sam looked up from his list with a bitch face. It warped into one of horror when he saw the poptarts. "Gabe!" He rounded on the archangel, pursing his lips.

"What?" Gabe looked up at him with mischievous puppy dog eyes.

The Winchester frowned. "You can't have that many poptarts. That's nowhere near healthy for you!"

"So?" Gabe rolled his eyes. "They're yumzo!"

"You'll get fat!"

"Will not!"

"Gabe, the sugar in them-"

"Sam, I love sugar!"



Soon, the two of them had drawn the attention of an older woman with their arguement. She giggled at them, remembering her own flirting days.

When the two had died down, and Sam had sent Gabe to put most of them - he wasn't a monster! - back on the shelf, she approached the taller one.

"I couldn't help but overhear," she began in her soft, withered voice. "You two make a cute pair, you do. Reminds me of how me and my husband were at your age."

Sam's eyes widened a little, but he smiled warmly. "Thank you," he said. "But he's not my boyfriend."

She waved a hand. "That's what you think now, young man, that's what you think."


Gabe fiddled with his menu, peeking over at Sam every few seconds. After the groceries, the archangel had complained about needing to eat, so he dragged the hunter to Red Robin. The only problem was Gabe didn't know what he wanted. Too many options.


The moose's head appeared above his menu. "Yeah?"

Gabe frowned. "I don't know what to eat."

Sam snickered. "Food, dumbass."

"What kind of food, asswipe?" the shorter man retorted just as teasingly.

"Um..." Sam scanned over the menu. "Well, you like french fries, right?"

Gabe nodded enthusiastically.

"French fries, then."

By the time the waitress had come to take their order, they'd delved into mindless conversation, making stupid jokes and puns mostly. In Gabe's eyes, Sam looked adorable as a laughing moose.

The sound was like music to his ears. Even better was that the hunter put his body into the laughter, tilting his head back. It gave Gabe direct access to that skin that was just begging for a hickie.

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