Angel Catnip 2.0

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For anyone here that's read my originally oneshot book, Firsts, I did a Angel Catnip triple update.

Someone commented on it and I reread it and decided I needed a longer, Sabriel to the maximum extent possible kind of Angel Catnip.

That's where this comes in.

Song of the Day is The Drug in Me is You by Falling in Reverse.

When the day had first started, neither Gabe nor Sam suspected that they'd end up here, sharing a bed, wrapped up in the covers and cuddling close.

Gabe wouldn't have guessed he'd be coming to his senses, now in control of himself, after being absolutely consumed by his own lust.

Sam couldn't possibly have known he'd be chased by an archangel, either.

*** That morning ***


The command echoed through the bunker. Sam stood, soaking wet, his hair purple and his fingernails practically dripping with glitter. His eyes were narrowed, and he was pissed.

"Yes, Sammich?" Gabe purred, appearing in front of him. He had a shit-eating grin on his face.

Sam glared at him, growling. "What the hell?" he shouted, motioning to himself. "I'm covered in crystal light! I smell like pissed on raspberries!"

The archangel smiled. "That's to get back at you for last week."

"Literally the only thing I did was hide your candy."

"Exactly." Gabe snapped up a sucker. "My candy is very dear to my heart."

Sam groaned and waved him off. "I'm going to go take a shower," he mumbled, heading off down the hall.

"Can I join?"



Sam sighed as he stepped into the shower. He went about his usual routine: hair first. The hunter made sure to wash it thoroughly before letting the conditioner set for the rest of the shower.

He went to reach for his soap, but found a different one instead. Picking it up, he brought it to view.

"Angel Essence?" he read with a frown. The bottle was clear, the soap inside a gentle gold, almost akin to whiskey. It practically glowed.

Sam shrugged and put some in his hand. Smelling it, he couldn't help but be a bit confused. There wasn't a scent to it at all.

After his shower with the strange new soap (he'd ask Dean if he'd been trying any new weird shit to fulful his kinks later) he went out to watch some Netflix. Gabe was already there, sprawled across the couch, surfing through all of the content.

"Anything good?" he asked, coming around the side of the couch.

Gabe looked up, about to talk, a grin on his face, when he froze. He was stiff as a board for a moment. Then, his eyes went dark and he bit his lip. "Sam, why do you smell like Essence?"

"What?" Sam frowned before remembering. "Oh, there was this soap in the shower, and I ju-"

Gabe was suddenly standing. No, scratch that. He moved quick, pinning Sam to the wall. The hunter gasped as Gabe leaned closer. "Why do you smell like my Essence?"

Sam's heart was hammering voilently in his chest. His breathing heavy, he watched Gabe's eyes flicker down to his lips. "Run," the archangel murmured.

"Run?" Sam's eyes widened.

"Run!" Gabe stepped back, looking like the action physically hurt him. "I can't restrain myself."

Leaving Gabe to struggle with himself, Sam took off, almost tripping in his haist. There was a room in the bunker that he'd made, one that only he knew of. He'd go there.

Disappearing into the entrance, he locked it and made sure all of the angel wardings were in place before finally relaxing. Sam took in a breath, trying to calm down.

Essence. What had he read about that? Essence, essence, essence.

That was basically angel catnip, right? Benny had used it on Balthazar, just like Adam had with Alfie. It only worked on angels that had an extremely strong connection to the person wearing it.

So Gabe loved him? Was that it? Sam ran through all of the instances he remembered about the stuff. All of them were, or had ended up, couples.

Sam's mouth quirked up in a small smile. He couldn't believe it. Gabe loved him. His archangel loved him back.

He laughed, rolling his head against the wall. His skin buzzed with happiness, setting his nerves on fire. He got up, punching the air with an almost stupid look on his face.

Sam was still being happy when the door opened and Gabe materialized, his eyes dark and lustful. "Hiya, Sammy," he drawled, voice dripping with saccharine. "You were supposed to hide, you know."

The hunter whirled around, grinning. "And I did. You can't come in here."

"I noticed." Gabe laughed. "Still. Why are you so happy when you have a practically rabid archangel hunting you?"

Sam smirked. "Because I remembered what Essence was."

Gabe tilted his head. "That does nothing for explanations," he commented.

Taking a step closer to the angel, while staying just out of reach, Sam purred, "Essence amplifies love, Gabe. Makes it... a little more visible."

Gabe froze, eyes locked on Sam's lips, like them moving was the most entrancing thing in the world. He visibly paled, knowing his secret was out.

"I love you, too, you doof," Sam told him, taking another small step. "I'm going to cross the line now, ok?"

Gabe began to nod his head hungrily, but stopped and shook it. "N-no, bad idea. I don't have control. If I touched you..."

"I'd let you do whatever you wanted," Sam sing-songed. "Please?" he pouted, using his puppy dog eyes.

Gabe bit back a pleased growl, not replying. Sam stepped forward and Gabe latched onto him, slamming the hunter to the wall for the second time.

The only difference was that Gabe didn't hold back, and neither did Sam. Gabe kissed him with fiery, lustful love. Sam returned it eagerly, letting Gabe do what he pleased, just like he promised.

So that's how they ended up in Gabe's - their - bed, curled up and cuddling. They'd be like that until Dean walked in and screamed for Cas to erase his memory.

Hey, in their defense...

I got nothing. They're just two kinky, horny, absolutely lovestruck guys. What can you do?

I updated! Finally! Yaaaaaay!

I really wanted to do another one of these for some reason. Idk why.

Hope y'all liked. By the way, I AM working on your requests. I'm just slow these days.


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