Mr. Comatose

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I'm so giddy at the moment and my heart's kinda exploding with feels. So, why not write some more?

You guys must be sick of me, really.


"What do you mean?" Gabe asked, eyeing his little brother, his gaze serious.

Cas sighed. "Sam will be comatose for the next few days," he said in his rumbling voice. "Please don't concern yourself; it's but a sleeping spell, Gabriel."

Gabe ran a hand through his hair. "A regular Sleeping Beauty, huh?" he snorted, using that to poorly mask his concern.

"I don't understand that reference," Cas muttered, tilting his head, blue eyes squinting.

Shaking his head, Gabe waved a hand. "Never mind. I'll look after Sammich until he comes to, got it?"

Cas looked hesitant. "I'm not sure that-"

"I said I'll watch him," Gabe interjected. His words weren't unkind, not were they yelled, though they had the strong superiority of the archangel he was.

Nodding, Cas said his farewells and flew off, leaving Sam on Gabe's couch.

Gabe sighed and picked up the moose, walking him down the hall to his room. He didn't have a guest room in his house anymore, and Sam didn't need to be sleeping on a couch.

Under normal circumstances, he would have just snapped up another bed, but that wasn't exactly possible at the moment. His grace would only come in short bursts, so trying anything like that would either drain him completely or wouldn't work.

He pulled the blankets over Sam, making sure to keep the bed as comfortable as possible. Gabe lingered at the bedside, his fingers lightly tracing the skin just above the blanket. His eyes focused on Sam's face, peaceful and appearing so much younger, as if all of the things he'd been through were merely a dream.

Smiling gently to himself, Gabe leaned forward to press a featherweight kiss to the hunter's forehead. "Sleep well, Sammy," he whispered.

He turned to leave when Sam murmured, "Don't leave, Gabey."

Startled, the archangel looked back at the bed. Sam was still asleep, but he was slightly restless, biting his lip and hands curling into the sheets.

"I'm here, Sammy," he said lovingly. "You're ok, it's just dreams." He put a hand on Sam's cheek, watching the Winchester hum contently and calm, nuzzling against him.

Gabe went around the side of the bed and crawled in. It wouldn't hurt to stay here for a little while. Besides, Sam wanted him here, whether or not he was aware of it.

After all of these years, it was nice to feel wanted. Even sweeter was it to be by the one Gabe loved most.


Three days was how long Sam slept. Through it all, Gabe stayed by his side, only leaving for the necessities. Hell, he only ate when he could snap up the food and let's not get started on bathroom breaks.

Gabe had been singing Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparus when he felt Sam move against him. At first he thought nothing of it, but when he heard the voice cut through his words, he gasped and shifted.

Sam's big eyes were confused as he looked up at Gabe. "What happened?" he asked.

Gabe smiled lopsidedly. "Cas left you with me upon my request. Said you were comatose. Been out for three days now."

The hunter flushed a little. "'Upon your request?'" he echoed quietly.

"Well, yeah," Gabe replied, sliding out of the bed. "Cas couldn't look after you, and Dean needed to be hunting. Besides, I like being a mother hen sometimes."

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